For Immediate Release:
December 18, 2007
Further Information:
Mark Forest - 202-225-3111/774-487-2534
  Delahunt Says Bill Will Create 150,000 New Clean Energy Jobs

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Bill Delahunt praised House passage of a comprehensive energy bill that will move the United States towards energy independence by promoting conservation, energy efficiency and domestically-produced alternative sources of fuel.  

H.R. 6, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, was passed by the House of Representatives today by a vote of 314 to 100.
“This energy bill is an historic initiative that will significantly reduce our addiction to foreign oil through aggressive increases in fuel economy standards for automobiles and by expanding production of American-grown biofuels to 36 billion gallons over the next 15 years,” Delahunt said.  “While we must do more to promote conservation and renewable energy, I am proud that we adopted a number of provisions that will significantly reduce the need for oil from the Middle East and make our country more secure.”

Delahunt also noted that the legislation would help reduce global warming, lower energy costs for consumers and create hundreds of thousands of new “clean energy” jobs to strengthen our economy. In According to an estimate provided by the Union of Concerned Scientists, this legislation will create 150,000 new clean energy jobs and 3,400 in Massachusetts. It is also estimated that the Commonwealth will save $458 million in net consumer savings by 2020. The major provisions of this legislation are:

  • Increasing Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards: Increases fuel economy to 35 miles per gallon by 2020 and include passenger cars and light trucks in the fleet average, the first time the fuel economy standards have been increased since 1975.
  • Creating Incentives for Hybrids/Plug-ins: The bill authorizes loan guarantees to manufacture parts for fuel-efficient vehicles and authorizes awards to manufacturers and suppliers. It establishes a plug-in hybrid/electric vehicle tax credit for individuals and encourages the domestic development and production of advanced technology vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles, and requires inclusion of electric drive vehicles in the federal government’s fleet purchasing programs.
  • Expanding The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS): Under the bill, the expanded renewable fuels standard (RFS) requires 9 billion gallons of renewable fuels in 2008, and progressively increasing to a 36 billion gallon requirement for cars and trucks by 2022. After 2010, an increasing proportion of the RFS will be met from cellulosic sources that will diversify energy crops and use non-food crops, such as switchgrass. It also includes environmental safeguards to reduce carbon emissions. This plan also includes incentives to boost the production of biofuels and the number of Flex Fuel and other alternative fuel vehicles.
  • Researching and Developing Cellulosic Ethanol/Biofuels: The bill ensures that biofuels facilities built after the date of enactment achieve at least a 20 percent reduction in life cycle greenhouse gas emissions. It also creates grants for the research and development of cellulosic ethanol and biofuels. In addition, this legislation creates provisions for cellulosic and other feedstock that promote sustainable use of resources and to facilitate local and on-farm use of these materials. Also, this bill establishes a program for biorefineries that use corn-based ethanol to be retrofitted to accept a range of feedstock.
  • Energy Savings in Buildings and through Improved Standards for Appliance and Lighting:   This legislation sets new efficiency standards for consumer appliances, and requires more efficient lighting by establishing standards for incandescent lamps and metal halide lamp fixtures. The bill adopts new efficiency standards for residential appliances such as dishwashers, clothes washers, refrigerators and certain lighting products.  It requires the federal government to purchase energy efficient products, and alternative fuels.
  • Accelerated Research and Development: Authorizes the research and development of geothermal energy resources – the vast untapped potential for electric power from steam and hot water inside the earth. Additionally, this bill includes a provision authorizing a new DOE Renewable Energy Innovation Manufacturing Partnership Program to promote research and development into renewable technology manufacturing and to increase the domestic production of renewable fuels.  

 The legislation will now go to the President who is expected to sign it tomorrow.

