For Immediate Release:
August 10, 2007
Further Information:
Mark Forest - Cell: 774-487-2534/202-226-7843

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Bill Delahunt today announced the award of $200,000 in National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Habitat Conservation funds for the Sesuit Creek Coastal Wetlands Restoration Project in Dennis, Ma.

“I want to congratulate the Town of Dennis for its commitment to protecting one of Cape Cod’s most important salt marshes,” Delahunt said.  “These funds will make the restoration of the Sesuit Creek wetlands a reality.”  

The project involves restoring more than 60 acres of degraded coastal wetlands as well as a fish run that is important for several native fish species. Currently, a narrow 24-inch culvert beneath the Bridge Street road surface severely restricts tidal flow into the Sesuit Creek Salt Marsh. The funds will be used replace the culvert in order to improve the flow of water into Sesuit Creek, a critical habitat for herring and American eel.

“I am pleased that NOAA and so many federal agencies are able to help Dennis officials with this important wetlands restoration project,” Delahunt added.  Over the past several years, Delahunt has worked closely with the Army Corps of Engineers, NOAA, the Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service on an active campaign to revitalize coastal wetlands around the region, including the Herring River restoration project in Wellfleet.

The Sesuit Creek project, which is expected to be constructed in late 2007 or early 2008, has received over $350,000 in National Coastal Wetlands funds from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and over $150,000 in funds from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. These funds were secured with the support of Mr. Delahunt, Senator Robert O’Leary and Representative Cleon Turner.

