For Immediate Release:
March 30, 2009
Further Information:
Mark Forest/Rory Sheehan - 202-225-3111
  Legislation -- HR 874 -- Allows All Americans the Freedom to Travel to Cuba
WASHINGTON, DC –  U.S. Representatives Bill Delahunt (D-MA) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ), the co-chairs of the bipartisan House Cuba Working Group, will be joined by Cuban-American leaders and other Representatives in a press conference at 11:00 AM on Thursday April 2 in Room 2255 of the Rayburn House Office Building. 

The participants will discuss HR 874, the Freedom to Travel to Cuba Act, which now has over 120 co-sponsors, and will urge its passage by the Congress.  The legislation would end the current ban on travel by Americans to Cuba.  At present the US government allows Americans to travel almost anywhere in the world - except Cuba.

“During his election campaign, now-President Barack Obama pledged to allow unrestricted travel by Cuban-Americans,” said Delahunt.  “He can do this by executive order, with no action needed in Congress.  But for average Americans to exercise their right to travel to Cuba, Congress needs to change the law, and that’s what HR 874 would do.  Thursday’s event will highlight the reasons why this bill is critical to the freedom of both Americans and Cubans.”  

WHO:                         Representatives Bill Delahunt & Jeff Flake, other Cuba
                                Working Group Members, & Cuban-American Leaders

WHERE:                      Room 2255 of the Rayburn House Office Building:

WHEN:                       Thursday, April 2, 2009 at 11:00 a.m.

SUBJECT:                    HR 874, the Freedom to Travel to Cuba Act

