For Immediate Release:
February 1, 2007
Further Information:
Mark Forest 774-487-2534/202-226-7843




WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Representative Bill Delahunt hailed the passage of House Joint Resolution 20 which provides for the continuing appropriations of the federal government for the remainder of fiscal year 2007. The measure was supported by Delahunt and passed the House by a vote of 286 to 140.   

“Last year, the Congress acted on just a handful of appropriations bills, leaving behind a fiscal mess for the new Democratic majority. While this bill is far from perfect, the overall spending measure stays within the budget limits set by the last Congress while providing a boost to a number of important domestic priorities." 

Here are the highlights of the measure which now moves on to the Senate:

* Veterans’ health care is increased by $3.6 billion to provide services for an additional 325,000 veterans.

* Housing assistance for 227,000 individuals and families is provided through a $1.4 billion increase for Section 8 housing programs, and an additional $300 million will help public housing authorities pay rising utility costs.

* Global HIV/AIDS funding is boosted by $1.3 billion, providing HIV/AIDS treatment for an estimated 345,000 additional people in the developing world while increasing to $724 million the U.S. contribution to the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria. Domestic HIV/AIDS treatment and care is increased by $76 million in order to provide the full amount authorized under the recent reauthorization of the Ryan White CARE Act.

* Community Health Centers receive an increase of $207 million to finance the construction of 300 new or expanded health centers, serving 1.2 million new patients.

* Science funding is increased.  U.S. innovation and competitiveness is enhanced by investing an additional $335 million for basic research at the National Science Foundation and $50 million for physical science research at the National Institutes of Standards and Technology.  This investment will foster emerging technologies to create the next wave of high-paying jobs.

* Renewable Fuels receive added funds.  An increase of $200 million is included for new energy technologies, including the conversion of cellulosic biomass to biofuels, and another $300 million is provided to accelerate research and development in renewable energy and energy efficiency will reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

* National Institutes of Health receives an increase of $620 million to fund an additional 500 research projects.

* Federal Law Enforcement receives a significant increase in order to fill 31,359 positions at the FBI, including 12,213 agents and 2,577 intelligence analysts - doubling the number of intelligence analysts since 9/11.

* Student Financial Aid and Pell Grants are increased to help more than 5.3 million students pay for college.

* Special Education grants are increased by $200 million to better serve the 6.9 million children in America with disabilities.

* Head Start is increased by $104 million to prevent a drop in enrollment.  New funding is also included for 6700 schools that need help to meet the standards set by No Child Left Behind.

