For Immediate Release:
February 9, 2007
Further Information:
Mark Forest - Cell: 774-487-2534/202-226-7843



Measure Will Boost Energy Independence


WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Rep. Bill Delahunt praised the passage of The Advanced Fuels Infrastructure Research and Development Act (HR 547) which moved through the House on Thursday by an overwhelming vote of 400-3. This legislation authorizes funding to improve facilities for the distribution and storage of alternative fuels, such as E-85 ethanol.

“Our addiction to Middle East oil threatens our national security and contributes to global warming,” Delahunt said. “These issues will dominate the 21st century, and American leadership – at home and around the world – is needed now more than ever.  But it requires a whole new energy policy and the political courage to make it a reality. This bill is an important step forward.”
H.R. 547 initiates a research and development program to make biofuels more compatible with existing infrastructure.  Many biofuels, including ethanol, have different physical and chemical properties that make them incompatible with petroleum-based storage and distribution systems. Problems such as tank and pipeline corrosion, sediment buildup and clogged filters are among the issues that complicate the use of renewable fuels.  The bill directs the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in consultation with the Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), to research and develop new technologies that would make it easier for retailers to offer biofuels using existing infrastructure, rather than refurbishing or building new facilities -- essentially, putting the fuel in consumers’ tanks at a savings to both retailers and consumers.

“This legislation will help make alternative fuels financially feasible for American drivers and gas station owners.” Delahunt added.

As part of his economic development agenda, Delahunt has proposed establishing an Energy Independence Corridor from Quincy to Provincetown, with ethanol and other renewable fuel facilities for motorists. As part of his legislative agenda in the 110th Congress, he will seek funds to help launch the first phase of this effort. In addition, Delahunt helped establish a Renewable Fuels Task Force last year to boost local demand for renewable fuels and is now working on a proposal to create renewable energy enterprise zones that provide tax and other incentives to develop new alternative energy businesses

