Appropriations Requests

For More Info:

House Committee on Appropriations web site

Appropriations Facts (208KB PDF)

What is an "earmark"?

View My Appropriations Requests for the Current Fiscal Year

Brief Overview

Many constituents are interested in federal appropriations requests, or "earmarks," and how they work. The responsible application of earmarked funds can have widespread benefits for our communities, our state, and our nation.

In making such requests, our office seeks to use taxpayer dollars prudently, considering costs and benefits, as well as community support. These requests may support renewable energy, higher education, health care and medical research, military construction, environmental protection, infrastructure, and transportation initiatives that have regional and national benefits. The federal appropriations process is lengthy and complicated, involving 12 separate bills.

Not all requests submitted on behalf of local communities and organizations are accepted by the Appropriations Committee. In many cases, a project can drop out of the process because the project is not an authorized federal activity for the specific appropriations account. In some cases, the project is not in the 10th District or the forms have not been filled out correctly.

In compliance with House Appropriations Committee rules and in order to make the process as transparent as possible, I am posting all 10th District earmark requests on this website. Here is a list of the earmarks that have been requested from the House Appropriations Committee for Fiscal Year 2010 -- and were accepted as complete. They are categorized by the applicable Appropriations Bill.

Appropriations Requests :: Congressman Bill Delahunt :: Proudly Serving the People of the 10th District of Massachusetts

Commerce Justice and Science

Energy and Water

Labor HHS and Education

Military Construction