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Congressman Dennis Cardoza
18th Congressional District of California

Rep. Dennis Cardoza (D-CA) Appointed to Influential House Rules Committee

Position Will Give California’s Central Valley a Strong Voice in 110th Congress

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CONTACT:  John Bray
(202) 226-4637

WASHINGTON – Congressman Dennis Cardoza (D-Merced), a member of the House Blue Dog Coalition was appointed today to serve on the influential Committee on Rules. The Rules Committee is one of five exclusive House committees and serves as the gateway for all major legislation considered by the House of Representatives. 

 Cardoza will maintain his seniority on the House Agriculture Committee and plans to play a leading role in the formation of the 2007 Farm Bill, which will have a significant impact on Central Valley agriculture and the regional economy. He will no longer serve on the International Relations and Resources Committees.

 “It is a great honor to serve on this prestigious committee,” said Cardoza. “In my new capacity on the Rules Committee, I look forward to serving as a strong voice for the 18th District and the Central Valley in the 110th Congress.”

 The House Rules Committee sets the terms for debate and amendments on most legislation before it is considered by the full House. In addition to establishing the rule under which a bill is considered by the full House, the committee reconciles competing versions of legislation from different committees. The Rules Committee also has authority to grant waivers to allow consideration of certain pieces of legislation by the House


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