News From…

Congressman Dennis Cardoza
18th Congressional District of California




April 27, 2006
CONTACT:  John Bray
(202) 226-4637

WASHINGTON – Rep. Dennis Cardoza today announced his support for legislation that would provide relief from rising gas prices and home heating costs by cracking down on price gouging, and called on Speaker Dennis Hastert to hold congressional hearings to investigate and hold accountable those who engage in the practice. Rep. Cardoza signed a discharge petition that would bring this proposal (H.R. 3936) to the floor of the House for a fair up-or-down vote once a majority of Congress signs it, and co-signed a letter to Speaker Hastert calling for hearings.


“As oil companies reap record profits, hard-working Americans are paying through the nose at the pumps,” said Rep. Cardoza.  “Here in California and across the country, the American people are paying the price for misguided policies that favor big oil, not consumers.”


The Stupak bill (H.R. 3936) will give the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission authority to prosecute oil companies engaged in price gouging involving gasoline, home heating oil, or natural gas.  Under the bill, the Justice Department could impose criminal penalties of up to $100 million on corporations and jail sentences of up to 10 years for individuals involved in price gouging.  The bill also provides relief to consumers by expanding the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program with fines collected from price-gouging companies.


“Skyrocketing gas prices are causing the people of California serious hardship. Government should be fighting for working Americans, not oil executives,” said Cardoza. “Real action on price gouging is long overdue.”


Congressman Cardoza continues to support the development of alternative and renewable sources of energy. He plans to make a major announcement soon regarding his commitment to making alternative energy a part of his daily life.



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