News From…

Congressman Dennis Cardoza
18th Congressional District of California

House Passes Bill To Limit Frivolous Lawsuits Against Fast Food Restaurants

Cardoza Was Co-Sponsor Of Legislation Promoting Personal Responsibility

March 10, 2004
CONTACT:  Bret Ladine
(202) 225-6131

WASHINGTON – Congressman Dennis Cardoza, D-Merced, voiced his support today for the Personal Responsibility In Food Consumption Act, which seeks to prevent frivolous lawsuits by barring overweight Americans from blaming the food industry for their obesity and related health problems. The bill passed the House, 276-139.

"We have to take personal responsibility for our actions and end frivolous lawsuits," said Cardoza, who was a co-sponsor of the legislation. "It’s no secret that certain foods should not be consumed too frequently. We all make personal choices everyday about what to eat and we are responsible for those decisions. Shifting the blame to McDonald’s or the makers of Oreo cookies is not the correct approach."

Facing a growing number of fast food lawsuits in their court systems, several states have already passed laws similar to the Personal Responsibility In Food Consumption Act, but no federal restriction currently exists. Under the bill, civil liability actions could still be brought in reasonable circumstances, such as for breach of contract or if a company knowingly and willingly violates federal or state laws.

If approved by the Senate and signed into law by President Bush, the Act would terminate all relevant pending litigation and supercede existing state laws.

"Our legal system has too many serious matters to deal with to be burdened by baseless lawsuits," Cardoza said. "Enough is enough. It’s time to fight obesity by taking responsibility for our own actions."



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