News From…

Congressman Dennis Cardoza
18th Congressional District of California




June 30, 2005
CONTACT:  John Bray
(202) 225-6131

WASHINGTON –  Congressman Dennis Cardoza today strongly criticized a new report by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District claiming that dairy emissions, not auto emissions, are responsible for the bulk of the Central Valley’s air pollution.  According to Cardoza, the decision to dramatically increase estimates of smog-forming emissions from California dairy cattle is not based on sound science. This preliminary report, if implemented, would place an unreasonable and unfair burden on dairy farmers and would undermine the health and well-being of valley residents.


“Anyone who tells you that California dairies are producing more harmful emissions than cars and trucks is misinformed, “ said Cardoza. “As the author of California’s Smog Check II legislation, I strongly believe in reducing emissions and fighting for clean air.  We need to address the real causes of the Central Valley’s poor air quality, not attack dairy farmers.  This is yet another example of regulators singling out agriculture for harsh treatment because it is the most convenient way to avoid dealing with the real problem. 


The tentative decision, issued by the Air Pollution Control District, would set emissions from dairy cattle at 20.6 pounds per cow annually, nearly double the previous number of 12.8 pounds per cow per year.  The report, however, is based largely on irrelevant foreign studies, and is in direct contradiction with the analysis of distinguished researchers from the University of California, the California State University and the California Air Resources Board.  A series of reputable studies performed on California dairies found emissions of less than 6 pounds per year. The recent Air Pollution Control District decision was drawn largely from dubious data from a British dairy study on the subject and misused and misinterpreted preliminary data from other studies. 


“It seems clear that the air district is trying to inflate these emissions numbers in order to place an unjustified and excessive burden on dairy farmers,” said Cardoza. “Agriculture has taken responsibility for reducing emissions harmful to air quality, and they should be commended for their efforts. California dairy farmers are working hard to be part of the solution. I will stand with the Central Valley’s dairy producers to fight for reasonable standards based on sound science.”    




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