News From…

Congressman Dennis Cardoza
18th Congressional District of California


“Accountability in Government Act of 2006” Calls for Reconfirmation of Any Cabinet Official Whose Agency Fails to Account for Taxpayer Dollars


May 9, 2006
CONTACT:  John Bray
(202) 226-4637

WASHINGTON – Rep. Dennis Cardoza (CA-18), Co-chair of the Blue Dog Coalition, today introduced a bill that would require all federal agencies to account for their stewardship of taxpayer dollars. The Accountability in Government Act of 2006 would call for all federal agencies to pass an audit within two years. If, after 2 years, the agency still does not pass an audit, the bill would require the Cabinet level officials to obtain reconfirmation by the US Senate to remain in their post.


In 2004, only 18 of 23 major federal agencies were able to produce a clean audit. Under the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act (FFMIA), enacted in 1996, each of the federal government’s 24 major agencies must report whether their financial management systems comply with basic federal accounting standards. To ensure adequate Congressional oversight, Congress required the General Accountability Office (GAO) to report annually on agency implementation of the FFMIA.


“The American people are paying a steep price for mismanagement in Washington,” said Cardoza. “It is unacceptable that even one major federal agency cannot produce a clean audit. With exploding deficits and debt, it is more important than ever to demand accountability from the federal government. This bill will place the responsibility where it belongs – at the very top.”



·        In 2004, the federal government spent $25 billion that it cannot account for   

·        Only 18 of 23 major federal agencies were able to produce a clean audit 

·        Only 6 of 63 Pentagon departments were able to produce a clean audit


(Source:, February 1st, 2005)


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