News From…

Congressman Dennis Cardoza
18th Congressional District of California

National Fatherhood Initiative Honors Rep. Cardoza as a Double Duty Dad


Ceremony Marks Launch of Double Duty Dad Mentoring Initiative

June 6, 2007
CONTACT:  Jamie McInerney
(202) 225-6131

WASHINGTON, DC – Today Congressman Dennis Cardoza was honored by the National Fatherhood Initiative (NFI) with its first ever Double Duty Dad Award for his longstanding work on behalf of children and mentoring. Seven years ago Cardoza adopted two foster children and since then has actively advocated on behalf of adoption and foster children in the California Assembly and in Congress.
“Being a father is the toughest and most rewarding job I have ever had to do,” said Cardoza while he accepted the award. “As a child much of the time I had with my father was spent helping him with the family business and learning valuable lessons that I apply to my work today. These invaluable lessons can only be taught by spending time with and mentoring a child.”
At the award ceremony the National Fatherhood Initiative, the nation’s largest fatherhood organization, launched its new Double Duty Dad mentoring initiative, a program designed to inspire America’s fathers to become mentors to children from father-absent homes. The Double Duty Dad initiative was designed by NFI to motivate and equip fathers to look within their own circle of influence – their neighbors, their workplace, their place of worship – for children in need of a father’s care. 
Congressman Cardoza is recognized as a leader in Congress for his work on behalf of children, and specifically foster children. In May the House passed H.Res. 263, legislation introduced by Cardoza recognizing National Foster Care Month. Mr. Cardoza has also introduced a bill to extend Medicare coverage for foster children who age out of the foster care system at age 18. He believes that cutting medical support for foster children just as they become legally responsible for themselves is an unfair burden for many of them to bear, especially those who rely on prescription medications.
National Fatherhood Initiative (NFI) works in every sector and at every level of society to engage fathers in the lives of their children.  NFI's national public service advertising campaign promoting fatherhood has generated television, radio, print, Internet, and outdoor advertising valued at over $487 million.  Through its resource center, FatherSOURCE, NFI offers a wide range of innovative resources to assist fathers and organizations interested in reaching and supporting fathers.


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