News From…

Congressman Dennis Cardoza
18th Congressional District of California

U.S. Chamber Presents Annual “Spirit of Enterprise” Award
to Rep. Dennis Cardoza

California Lawmaker Recognized for Support of Key Business Issues

April 17, 2007
CONTACT:  Jamie McInerney
(202) 225-6131

WASHINGTON, DC – The United States Chamber of Commerce today presented Rep. Dennis Cardoza (D-CA-18) with its annual “Spirit of Enterprise” award for his strong voting record on critical business issues in the second session of the 109th Congress.

 "American businesses are the central driving force of our economy and I support policies that allow them to develop and grow," said Cardoza.  “As a former business owner, I understand the tremendous challenges that business owners face here in the Central Valley and across the country.”

The Chamber’s prestigious “Spirit of Enterprise” award is given annually to members of Congress based on rankings it gives for key business votes outlined in its yearly publication, How They Voted. Rep. Cardoza compiled a 79% score with the Chamber last year and holds a cumulative 65% ranking during his tenure in Congress. 

“Rep. Cardoza proved to be a valuable ally to the business community last year, supporting measures to stimulate job creation and spur economic growth,” said Tom Donohue, Chamber president and CEO. “The business community appreciates Dennis’s dedication to a pro-growth agenda and we are proud to present him with this award.” 

The Chamber’s designated “key votes” are recorded floor votes on issues established as priorities by the Chamber’s board of directors, on which the Chamber informs Congress of its position prior to the vote. Senators and House members who support the Chamber’s position on at least 70% of these key votes receive the “Spirit of Enterprise” award. 

During the second session of the 109th Congress, the Chamber key-voted 12 Senate and 15 House votes, including comprehensive pension reform, extended tax relief, maritime and cargo security enhancements, and the U.S./India nuclear agreement. 

The U.S. Chamber is the world’s largest business federation, representing more than 3 million businesses and organizations of every size, sector and region.


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