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Fighting Gangs and Protecting our Valley

The gang problem in the Central Valley is serious and needs immediate and concentrated attention. The violence and drug-trafficking linked to the gang activity is a threat to our communities and families. We must join together at the local, state, and federal level to make sure our local law enforcement have all the resources they need to combat the gangs.

The explosion of gang violence has burdened already-strained police departments. Some streets and parks are no longer safe for residents to visit, and graffiti defaces buildings throughout the region. Even worse, innocent bystanders are too often caught in the cross-fire.

To address the gang problem, all sectors of the community must get involved. Schools must teach children the dangers of joining gangs. Parents need to be aware of warning signs that could indicate their child is involved in gang activities. Of course the law enforcement agencies must work to coordinate and implement comprehensive gang eradication strategies.

It is my priority to ensure our local law enforcement have the resources they need to fight gang activity. In 2005 I introduced a bill that allocated more resources to fight gangs and facilitated the prosecution of gang offenses. This year I am continuing my efforts to provide the necessary funds and resources to our communities so that we may eradicate the growing threat of gangs in the Central Valley.



•  I introduced a bill in 2005 to give more resources to fight gangs and to facilitate the prosecution of gang offenses. I am currently working on new legislation.

Press Release on bill

Representative Dennis Cardoza
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