15 Years of Leadership
Budget Reform
Task Forces
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Welcome to the Blue Dog Coalition website!

 The fiscally conservative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition was formed in  1995 with the goal of representing the center of the House of  Representatives and appealing to the mainstream values of the American  public. The Blue Dogs are dedicated to a core set of beliefs that transcend  partisan politics, including a deep commitment to the financial stability  and national security of the United States. Currently there are 52 members  of the Blue Dog Coalition. Click here to learn more...

Latest News from the Blue Dogs

 July 29 - Blue Dog Statement on Health Care Reform Legislation in the                House


 July 16 - Blue Dogs deliver identical opening statement in House Energy               and Commerce mark up of health care reform legislation: "We are               committed to passing health care reform that lowers costs and               improves quality for all Americans”          

 July 14 - Blue Dog Statement on Health Care Reform Legislation

 July 10 - Rep. Melancon: “Blue Dogs are committed to passing health                care reform that works”

               Read the Blue Dog letter on responsible health care reform...

 June 25 - Melancon Statement at Budget Committee Hearing on Statutory                 PAYGO

 Click here to go to the Blue Dog press room...

Blue Dogs Hold Press Conference with House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer

Blue Dogs Endorse House Budget Resolution

 At a press conference on April 27th, 2009, members of the fiscally  conservative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition joined House Majority Leader  Steny Hoyer as they reiterated their commitment to reinstating the statutory  pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) rules that led to budget surpluses in the 1990's.   

 Click here to watch...




Our National Debt

Currently, the U.S. Debt is estimated at:


Your share of today's public debt is:



Blue Dog Health Care Task Force:

 “Health care reform is critical to  the future prosperity of our  country, and the  competitiveness of American  business, and we will continue  to be constructive partners in  the health care reform effort."

  - Rep. Mike Ross (D-AR)         

 Blue Dog Principles for Health  Care Reform:

- Controlling costs

- Increasing value

 - Improving access

 Read more about what the Blue  Dogs are doing to ensure  competition and choice in the  marketplace...   

Restoring Fiscal Responsibility to the Federal Government:

Click here to watch Blue Dog Co-Chair, Congressman Charlie Melancon of Louisiana, address the need for a return to the statutory pay-as-you-go rules that brought our budget to balance in the 1990's.