Census Bureau

Electronic Versions of Papers and Abstracts

If a paper (or an abstract of the paper) is available electronically, one or more links will follow its title. The size of the file (in bytes) is given in parenthesis.

Abstract An abstract, or brief summary, of the paper. All abstracts are in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
Full text - .pdf Full text in Portable Document (PDF) format. Can be viewed with Adobe(R) Acrobat(R) Reader which is available for free from the Adobe web site.)
Full text - .ps Full text in postscript. Can be printed on postscript printers or viewed with a postscript viewer (such as gsview).
We do not yet have electronic versions of all documents, and a document may not be available in a specific format.

If you are interested in a paper that is not available electronically, you can request a paper copy via e-mail. Write to: Chad.Eric.Russell@census.gov. Please include your name, address, and the title of the paper in your request.

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