SBIR and STTR Success Story for
SAM Technology, Inc.

(Information Posted/Updated on 10/01/2004)

SAM Technology, Inc.
425 Bush Street, 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA  94108

Contact:    Alan Gevins
Phone:      415-837-1600
Fax:          415-274-9574
Web Site:

Project Title:  MANSCAN® Human Brain Function Research System
Related Award(s):  R44 MH43075, R44 NS27392, N44 MH30023, R44 NS32241, N44 MH60027
Technology Developed:
MANSCAN® is a comprehensive, integrated hardware and software system for data acquisition and exploratory analysis of human neurophysiological (EEG) & neuroanatomical (MRI) data. Hardware includes 22-bit, 152-channel MICROAMPS™ neurophysiological signal amplifiers and XCALIPER™ rapid digital electrode position measurement device. Software comprises ~500,000 lines of C++ code running under Windows XP operating system. MANSCAN® embodies many patented signal processing algorithms for EEG analysis and EEG/MRI co-registration and localization analysis, including DEBLURRING™ to estimate electrical potentials at the cortical surface from recordings at the scalp, and Event-Related Covariance to characterize rapidly shifting, sub-second distributed functional cortical networks. Please see for product details.

Key Words:  human brain function, EEG, evoked potential, MRI, digital signal processing, pattern recognition, bioamplifiers, 3D visualization.
Uses of Technology/Products/Service:
MANSCAN® is used in research on human brain function. It was the first system to integrate the high time resolution of EEG with the high anatomical resolution of MRI, and the first to allow sub-second measurement of rapidly shifting functional cortical networks. MANSCAN® enabled a new generation of research and a number of significant advances in understanding attention, memory and other basic cognitive brain functions have been made with it. A number of competing products worldwide were modeled on MANSCAN®.

Benefit to Company:
MANSCAN®’s unique functionality evolved from the results of prior NIH R01s. The SBIR program has allowed us to turn these basic research results into robust algorithms embodied in a convenient, integrated system to enable research on human brain function that would not otherwise be commercially available. In addition to its use in research at customers’ and collaborators’ labs, we have used MANSCAN® in the development of our next-generation medical neurological devices that will test vital cognitive brain functions.

How Product Was Commercialized:
MANSCAN® is sold to qualified scientists at US universities, medical schools and government labs. ~30 MANSCAN® systems are currently in use.

Other Comments Related to Company's Success Story:
We are very grateful to the peer-reviewers and NIH SBIR project officials for their support.