UC Accountability Framework

As a publicly funded institution, the University of California is accountable to the people of California for how well it performs. The new UC accountability framework, initiated by President Mark G. Yudof and presented to the Board of Regents in draft form on Sept. 21, 2008, is the first attempt to comprehensively assess and share the University's progress in meeting key teaching, research and public service goals across its 10 campuses.

The annual report called for in the framework – the scope of which will be expanded and improved in subsequent versions each year – will help inform the University's strategic planning, budgeting and performance management, as well as help focus the Regents on the most important policy issues facing the University.

The draft annual report will be posted for public review and comment over the next four months, with a final version scheduled to be published in May 2009. Thereafter, the report will be updated and published annually. Please send your feedback to accountability@ucop.edu.

> Complete draft report (PDF)

Report by section:

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