U.S. House of Representative Seal
Office of Congressman Dan Boren
United States Congress
House of Representatives
For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Cole Perryman
(202) 225-2701



WASHINGTON D.C. - U.S. Congressman Dan Boren issued a statement today praising President-elect Obama’s nomination of Leon Panetta to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

“The nomination of Leon Panetta to lead our nation’s Central Intelligence Agency is a quality choice by President-elect Obama.  Panetta has established himself throughout his career as a very capable administrator and public servant who has the best interests of the American people close at heart.

As an Army veteran, a former nine-term U.S. Congressman, a former White House Chief of Staff, and most recently as a member of the Iraq Study Group, Panetta’s credentials of crisis management and conflict resolution will make him a unique asset to our nation’s intelligence services.

I urge the swift confirmation of Mr. Panetta so that he may continue the all important task of protecting this great nation from the tyranny of evil and the terrorists who seek to destroy liberty here at home and abroad.”
