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Office of the Inspector General

Evaluation Reports

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As the Office of Audit issues audit reports and evaluation reports, consult both topics for a complete listing of Office of Audit products.

Report Report Title
OIG-CA-09-007 PDF icon OIG-CA-09-007 – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Treasury’s Federal Desktop Core Configuration Deviation Tracking Process Is Inadequate
OIG-CA-09-005 PDF icon INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Network Security at the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Could Be Improved
OIG-CA-08-012 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: 2008 Evaluation of Treasury’s FISMA Implementation. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-08-011 PDF icon INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: BEP BEPMIS Disaster Recovery Exercise Was Successful PDF icon
OIG-CA-08-010 PDF icon INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Treasury Successfully Demonstrated its TCS Disaster Recovery Capability PDF icon

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Fiscal Year 2008 Evaluation of Treasury’s FISMA Implementation of Its Non-IRS Intelligence Systems. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400

OIG-CA-08-004 DCAA Audit Report – Spectra Systems Corporation Firm Fixed Price Proposal for Solicitation TEP-08-0001. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-08-003 DCAA Audit Report – Concordia Manufacturing Corporation Firm Fixed Price Subcontract Proposal for Solicitation TEP-08-0001. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-08-002 NFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: 2007 Evaluation of Treasury’s FISMA Implementation. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-08-001 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: 2007 Evaluation of Treasury’s FISMA Implementation for Its Non-IRS Non-Intelligence National Security Systems. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-07-008 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Fiscal Year 2007 Evaluation of Treasury’s FISMA Implementation of Its Non-IRS Intelligence Systems. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-07-004 IGATI Curriculum Review Board Summary Report – IGATI Courses Reviewed During Fiscal Year 2006. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-07-003 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Evaluation of Treasury’s Compliance with OMB M-06-016. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-07-001PDF icon INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Additional Actions Needed for System Inventory PDF icon

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: 2006 Evaluation of Treasury’s FISMA Implementation. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Counsel at (202) 927-0650.

OIG-CA-06-007 Security Controls over the Office of Inspector General’s Network and Systems Need Improvement. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-06-005 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Fiscal Year 2006 Evaluation of Treasury’s FISMA Implementation for Its Non-Intelligence National Security Systems. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-06-004 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Fiscal Year 2006 Evaluation of Treasury’s FISMA Implementation for Its Intelligence Program. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-06-002 PDF icon IGATI Curriculum Review Board Summary Report – IGATI Courses Reviewed During Fiscal Year 2005 PDF icon
OIG-CA-06-001 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Evaluation of Treasury’s FISMA Implementation for Fiscal Year 2005. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-05-003 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Evaluation of Information Security Program and Practices for National Security Systems. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-05-002 Financial Capability Risk Assessment of Metrica Inc. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-05-001 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Evaluation of Treasury’s FISMA Implementation for Fiscal Year 2004. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-04-005 PDF icon GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Treasury's Rural Development Act Policy PDF icon
OIG-CA-04-004 PDF icon SAFETY, SOUNDNESS, AND ACCESSIBILITY OF FINANCIAL SERVICES: Summary of Treasury OIG's Material Loss Reviews of Failed National Banks and Thrift Institutions Between 1993 and 2002 PDF icon
OIG-CA-04-003 Intelligence Sharing.  If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-04-002 FISMA Evaluation for National Security Systems. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-CA-04-001 PDF icon INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Evaluation of Treasury's FISMA Implementation for Fiscal Year 2003 (Limited Official Use) (Report Summary Available) PDF icon
OIG-CA-03-023 PDF icon GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Treasury Needs To Approve And Rescue Its Policy On The Rural Development Act of 1972 PDF icon
OIG-CA-03-022 PDF icon GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Bureaus' Policies and Procedures to Ensure the Completeness and Reliability of FY 2002 Performance Data PDF icon
OIG-CA-03-021 PDF icon Treasury's Ongoing Efforts as the Lead Agency for the Banking and Financial Sector under PDD 63 PDF icon
OIG-CA-03-012 PDF icon PROTECTING THE PUBLIC: Law Enforcement Bureaus Claim Information Sharing Within Treasury to be Adequate PDF icon
  Management and Performance Challenges Facing the Department of the Treasury PDF icon
OIG-CA-03-020 PDF icon GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Treasury Employees Feel Safer With Greater Awareness of Safety, Physical Security, Evaluation, and Continuity of Operations Planning Procedures PDF icon
OIG-CA-03-019 GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Although Greater Washington, D.C. Area Mint Respondents Indicated Feeling Safe at Their Workplace, They Lack Knowledge of Security Procedures. This report details responses by Mint employees to an OIG survey of Treasury employees in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. See OIG-CA-03-020 for further information
OIG-CA-03-018 GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Washington, D.C. Area Financial Management Service Respondents Feel Safe at Their Workplace. This report details responses by FMS employees to an OIG survey of Treasury employees in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. See OIG-CA-03-020 for further information..
OIG-CA-03-017 GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Most Office of Thrift Supervision Employees Feelings of Security Relates to Knowing Building Exits and Security Procedures. This report details responses by OTS employees to an OIG survey of Treasury employees in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. See OIG-CA-03-020 for further information
OIG-CA-03-016 GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Respondents Feel Safer When They Know Security and Safety Procedures. This report details responses by OCC employees to an OIG survey of Treasury employees in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. See OIG-CA-03-020 for further information
OIG-CA-03-015 GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Financal Crimes Enforcement Network Employees Vary in Knowledge of Building Security and Personal Safety Issues. This report details responses by FinCEN employees to an OIG survey of Treasury employees in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. See OIG-CA-03-020 for further information
OIG-CA-03-014 GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Most of the Public Debt Survey Respondents Felt Safe and Were Generally Aware of Issues Affecting Their Personal Safety, Building Security, and Continuity of Operation Planning. This report details responses by BPD employees to an OIG survey of Treasury employees in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. See OIG-CA-03-020 for further information
OIG-CA-03-013 GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Although the Majority of Bureau of Engraving and Printing Employees Lack Knowledge of Continuity of Operation Planning and Procedures, Building Security and Signage Promoted Feelings of Safety. This report details responses by BEP employees to an OIG survey of Treasury employees in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. See OIG-CA-03-020 for further information
OIG-CA-03-011 GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Although Secret Service Employees Vary in Perceptions of Building Security and Continuity of Operation Planning, Most are Confident of Personal Safety. This report details responses by Secret Service employees to an OIG survey of Treasury employees in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. See OIG-CA-03-020 for further information
OIG-CA-03-010 GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Greater Washington, D.C. Area Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Respondents Feel Safe at Their Workplace. This report details responses by FLETC employees to an OIG survey of Treasury employees in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. See OIG-CA-03-020 for further information
OIG-CA-03-009 PDF icon PROTECTING THE PUBLIC: Secret Service Policies, Procedures, and Training For Racial and Ethnic Profiling - A Comparative Review PDF icon
OIG-CA-03-008 PDF icon PROTECTING THE PUBLIC: Customs Policies, Procedures, and Training For Racial and Ethnic Profiling - A Comparative Review PDF icon
OIG-CA-03-006 PDF icon GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Follow-up Review on Recommendations Concerning TECS User Training PDF icon
OIG-CA-03-005 GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Customs Employees Feel Safer When Enhanced Security Procedures are in Place. This report details responses by Customs employees to an OIG survey of Treasury employees in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. See OIG-CA-03-020 for further information
OIG-CA-03-004 GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Employees Vary in Perceptions of Building Security, Continuity of Operation Planning, and Personal Safety. This report details responses by ATF employees to an OIG survey of Treasury employees in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. See OIG-CA-03-020 for further information
OIG-CA-03-003 PDF icon GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Treasury Faces Challenges in Meeting Goals Established in the National Energy Conservation Policy Act PDF icon
OIG-CA-03-002 PDF icon PROTECTING THE PUBLIC: Customs Faces Staffing Challenges Along The Northern Border (Report summary available) PDF icon
OIG-CA-03-001 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Treasury's Efforts to Implement An Integrated Document Management System
OIG-CA-02-007 PDF icon GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Investment in Information Technology May Speed Security Clearances PDF icon
OIG-CA-02-006 PDF icon GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Timeliness of Departmental Offices' Security Cleareances Can Be Improved PDF icon
OIG-CA-02-005 PDF icon GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Treasury Workers' Compensation Program Could Benefit Fron Increased Attention PDF icon
OIG-CA-02-004 PDF icon GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Treasury Policy Gives First Priority To Locating New Offices In Rural Areas But The Policy Could Be Better Implemented PDF icon
OIG-CA-02-003 PDF icon TRADE AND PASSENGER PROCESSING: Customs Personal Search Policies, Procedures, and Training Appear Reasonable PDF icon

GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Unclear Lines of Authority Interfere with Enforcement of Evacuation Procedures at Main Treasury and the Treasury Annex. If you would like a copy of this report, please contact the OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.

OIG-CA-02-001 PDF icon Information Report: A Primer on 5 Federal Regulatory Agencies PDF icon
OIG-CA-01-001 PDF icon Treasury Law Enforcement: Unique Workspaces Foster Safer and More Effective Operations PDF icon
OIG-CA-00-002 PDF icon Assessment of the Comptroller of the Currency's Strategic Planning Process PDF icon
OIG-CA-00-003 PDF icon Century Date Change Event Management Planning Checklist Office of Thrift Supervision PDF icon
OIG-CA-00-004 PDF icon Assessment of Customer Satisfaction with the Department's Performance Reporting System PDF icon
OIG-CA-00-005 PDF icon Assessment of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network's Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 1997-2002 PDF icon
OIG-CA-00-006 PDF icon Assessment of the Department's Fiscal Year 1999 Performance Report and Fiscal Year 2001 Performance PDF icon

Last Updated: March 6, 2009


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