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In a quickly shrinking world, students must have greater international studies knowledge and foreign language skills as a core part of their education. But how is it achieved? Photo: iStockPhoto

Global Interdependence and American Educational Reform

How do we prepare American students to be contributing citizens, productive workers, and competent leaders in the interconnected world of the 21st century?


What does it mean to be prepared for success in a global environment? Photo: Eric O'Connell for Asia Society

Graduate Profile

Characteristics of a high school graduate who is prepared to succeed in a global environment.

From the ancient animal fable collection, The Panchatantra, illustrated by Jami Waggoner.

A World of Children's Literature

Explore online international literature collections as a way to expand student horizons. Includes a recommended reading list.

Learn more about our schools network. Photo: Asia Society.

International Studies Schools Network

Asia Society has 18 public schools that are developing globally competent, college-ready high school students. Research shows our model has higher graduation rates and academic achievement than other schools with similar profiles. Learn more.

Are we building the necessary bridges to our children's futures? Image: buddhadl/iStockPhoto.com.

Expanding Chinese Language Capacity in the United States

This essay recommends a national commitment and investments in teaching Chinese language and culture.