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About NASA's Education Program

    NASA’s journeys into air and space have deepened humankind’s understanding of the universe, advanced technology breakthroughs, enhanced air travel safety and security, and expanded the frontiers of scientific research. These accomplishments share a common genesis: education. As the United States begins the second century of flight, the Nation must maintain its commitment to excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education to ensure that the next generation of Americans can accept the full measure of their roles and responsibilities in shaping the future. NASA will continue the Agency’s tradition of investing in the Nation’s education programs and supporting the country’s educators who play a key role in preparing, inspiring, exciting, encouraging, and nurturing the young minds of today who will be the workforce of tomorrow.

    In 2006 and beyond, NASA will continue to pursue three major education goals:
    -- Strengthening NASA and the Nation's future workforce
    -- Attracting and retaining students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, disciplines
    -- Engaging Americans in NASA's mission

Education Program Areas

Center Education Offices

Mission Directorates

Education News


  • NASA logo

    Now Accepting Proposals  →

    NASA’s Office of Education has released a K-12 Cooperative Agreements Notice seeking proposals that incorporate innovative approaches for development and delivery of instructional materials, creating experiences that capture the interest of learners, and actively involves participants in relevant, NASA STEM, content applications.

  • NASA logo

    NASA to Provide Education Funding for Museums and Planetariums  →

    NASA has announced a competitive funding opportunity for informal education that could result in the award of grants or cooperative agreements to several of the nation's science centers, museums and planetariums.

  • A woman sitting at a computer console with the words NASA Student Ambassadors Virtual Community underneath

    NASA Student Ambassadors Virtual Community  →

    NASA has inducted more than 80 high-performing interns into a new virtual community.

Related Links

  • Careers at NASA

    Review job listings, post a resume and even apply for a NASA job online.

  • Business Opportunities

    Find services related to NASA contracts, Small Business Programs, partnerships and submitting an idea or proposal to NASA.

  • Research Opportunities

    NASA offices and field centers offer a wide variety of opportunities for researchers.

  • Education Calendar

    Check the Education Calendar to discover how educators and students can interact with NASA.