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NASA CONNECT™: "Algebra: Mirror, Mirror on the Universe"

(rebroadcast of live show)

Target: Grades 4-8

Length: 30 minutes

Guide: Online, see Internet site

Internet:   →


Students will discover how algebra and telescopes are used in space exploration and why optics, which is the study of light, is important in astronomy. Students will learn about the Hubble Space Telescope, Hubble Deep Field and how NASA engineers use algebra to determine the effects of contamination on Hubble's optics. They will also see how NASA engineers are developing the Next Generation Space Telescope with the challenge of making bigger instruments with ultralight-weight materials able to protect NGST's optics from the heat of the Sun. By participating in the classroom activity, students will gain insight into the concept of the expanding universe.

To order a copy of this video, please visit the Central Operation of Resources for Educators Web site.
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