3/27/95 NEVADA Population of Counties by Decennial Census: 1900 to 1990 Compiled and edited by Richard L. Forstall Population Division US Bureau of the Census Washington, DC 20233 Please see file, 1900-90.doc for explanatory notes and documentation. FIPS 1990 1980 1970 1960 00000 248709873 226545805 203211926 179323175 United States 32000 1201833 800493 488738 285278 Nevada 32001 17938 13917 10513 8452 Churchill County 32003 741459 463087 273288 127016 Clark County 32005 27637 19421 6882 3481 Douglas County 32007 33530 17269 13958 12011 Elko County 32009 1344 777 629 619 Esmeralda County 32011 1547 1198 948 767 Eureka County 32013 12844 9434 6375 5708 Humboldt County 32015 6266 4076 2666 1566 Lander County 32017 3775 3732 2557 2431 Lincoln County 32019 20001 13594 8221 6143 Lyon County 32021 6475 6217 7051 6329 Mineral County 32023 17781 9048 5599 4374 Nye County 32027 4336 3408 2670 3199 Pershing County 32029 2526 1503 695 568 Storey County 32031 254667 193623 121068 84743 Washoe County 32033 9264 8167 10150 9808 White Pine County 32510 40443 32022 15468 8063 Carson City FIPS 1950 1940 1930 1920 00000 151325798 132164569 123202624 106021537 United States 32000 160083 110247 91058 77407 Nevada 32001 6161 5317 5075 4649 Churchill County 32003 48289 16414 8532 4859 Clark County 32005 2029 2056 1840 1825 Douglas County 32007 11654 10912 9960 8083 Elko County 32009 614 1554 1077 2410 Esmeralda County 32011 896 1361 1333 1350 Eureka County 32013 4838 4743 3795 3743 Humboldt County 32015 1850 1745 1714 1484 Lander County 32017 3837 4130 3601 2287 Lincoln County 32019 3679 4076 3810 4078 Lyon County 32021 5560 2342 1863 1848 Mineral County 32023 3101 3606 3989 6504 Nye County 32027 3103 2713 2652 2803 Pershing County 32029 671 1216 667 1469 Storey County 32031 50205 32476 27158 18627 Washoe County 32033 9424 12377 11771 8935 White Pine County 32510 4172 3209 2221 2453 Carson City FIPS 1910 1900 00000 92228496 76212168 United States 32000 81875 42335 Nevada 32001 2811 830 Churchill County 32003 3321 --- Clark County 32005 1895 1534 Douglas County 32007 8133 5688 Elko County 32009 9369 1972 Esmeralda County 32011 1830 1954 Eureka County 32013 6825 4463 Humboldt County 32015 1786 1534 Lander County 32017 3489 3284 Lincoln County 32019 3568 2268 Lyon County 32021 --- --- Mineral County 32023 7513 1140 Nye County 32027 --- --- Pershing County 32029 3045 3673 Storey County 32031 17434 9141 Washoe County 32033 7441 1961 White Pine County 32510 3415 2893 Carson City