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DLESE >> Ecology

Movie ID Title
Animation depicting nearly a decades worth of SeaWiFS ocean chlorophyll concentration and land Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data. 3599 Phytoplankton Blooms through the Eyes of SeaWiFS Data
This animation shows a 32-day moving average of SST data around the world and around Australia.  This data continuously loops from July 4, 2002 to October 23, 2006. 3510 MODIS Sea Surface Temperature from 2002 to 2006 around Australia
Animation depicting nearly a decades worth of SeaWiFS ocean chlorophyll concentration and land Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data. This animation begins by slowly spinning the earth around until settling over Australia. 3494 SeaWiFS Biosphere Data over Australia
Animation depicting nearly a decades worth of SeaWiFS ocean chlorophyll concentration and land Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data. This animation begins by slowly spinning the earth around until settling over the North Pacific. 3471 SeaWiFS Biosphere Data over the North Pacific (Slow Version)
Animation depicting nearly a decades worth of SeaWiFS ocean chlorophyll concentration and land Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data. This animation begins by slowly spinning the earth around until settling over the North Atlantic. 3468 SeaWiFS Biosphere Data over the North Atlantic (Slow Version)
This animation show the MEI in red and then the Ocean Net Primary Production (NPP) levels in green. 3459 SeaWiFS Biosphere Data over the North Atlantic
Print resolution picture of SeaWiFS global biosphere over the North Pacific. 3454 SeaWiFS Biosphere Data over the North Pacific
Print resolution picture of SeaWiFS global biosphere over the Northern Atlantic. 3450 SeaWiFS Biosphere Data over the North Atlantic
This animation shows a 32-day moving average of SST data spanning July 4, 2002 to October 23, 2006.  The animation starts over Europe, pans across the Atlantic, and settles in over the Gulf Stream. 3389 MODIS Sea Surface Temperature Highlighting the Gulf Stream (2002 to 2006)
This animation shows a 32-day moving average of SST data over the Pacific spanning July 4, 2002 to October 23, 2006. 3388 MODIS Sea Surface Temperature from 2002 to 2006
This animation shows a 32-day moving average of global SeaWiFS data spanning from August 29, 1997 to October 23, 2006. 3387 SeaWiFS Biosphere from 1997 to 2006
This animation shows the first six years worth of biosphere data taken by the SeaWiFS instrument.  On land, areas of high plant life are shown in dark green, while areas of low plant life are shown in tan.  In the ocean, areas of high phytoplankton are shown in red, and areas of lowest phytoplankton are shown in blue and purple. 2914 Global Biosphere from August, 1997 to July, 2003 (WMS)
SeaWiFS recorded the recovery of ocean life around the Galapagos Islands during May, 1998. 2913 Life Returns to the Galapagos after El Nino (WMS)
Difference data between CZCS and SeaWiFS for the world with black land 2497 Decadal Comparison of Plankton Levels
This still shows the three years of data of the
Biosphere, focused on Europe and Asia 2290 Missing Link in Carbon Sink found in Northern Forests: Three Years of Biosphere Data, Europe and Asia focus
A still image of the Carbon Sink Animation.
Here one can see three years of data of the Biosphere, focused on North America. 2289 Missing Link in Carbon Sink found in Northern Forests: Three Years of Biosphere Data, North America focus
A Still Image of the Carbon Sink animation. Notice
how the land pulsates, breathing with life. 2288 Missing Link in Carbon Sink Found in Northern Forests: Three Years of Biosphere Data, Spinning Globe
Mesopotamia 1973. Zoom into Euphrates, Tigris, and Shatt-al-Arab Rivers 2210 Landsat Witnesses the Destruction of Mesopotamian Ecosystem
Here we see an image of the Baltimore area taken with the
Landsat satellite on March 27, 1998. For over 26 years, Landsat images have been
used to help urban planners understand where growth is taking place and help
geographers evaluate how different urban planning programs effect population
growth and land use. 2180 Impervious Surface Cover: Close Up of Baltimore
Here we see an image of the DC area taken with the
Landsat satellite on March 27, 1998. 2179 Impervious Surface Cover: Close Up of DC
Here we see an image of the Baltimore-D.C. area taken with the
Landsat satellite on March 27, 1998. For over 26 years, Landsat images have been
used to help urban planners understand where growth is taking place and help
geographers evaluate how different urban planning programs effect population
growth and land use. 2178 Impervious Surface Cover: Full Graph of DC and Baltimore
A special algorithm has been applied to the Landsat 7 image to
illuminate the changes in low-density residential land use which exemplify sprawl. 2177 Impervious Surface Cover: Non-Paved Areas
In this animation the green is taken away to let the Impervious Surface
Cover stand out. 2176 Impervious Surface Cover: Paved Areas in DC and Baltimore
The SeaWiFS instrument looks at the world oceans
and land to observe the plant life and phytoplankton. Here you
can see the land without the ocean data. 2082 SeaWiFS Land Views on a Globe
The SeaWiFS instrument looks at the world's oceans and land to observe the plant life and phytoplankton.  In this flat projection view, you can see the whole world pulse with life. 2076 SeaWiFS Views the Whole World with Three Years of Data
A Landsat thermal image of the Atlanta region 948 Atlanta Thermal Image (Blue TIR, Straight Down)
A perspective view of a Landsat thermal image of the Atlanta region 947 Atlanta Thermal Image (Blue TIR, Perspective Angle)
A Landsat image of the Atlanta region 946 Atlanta Land Use Map: Green Scheme, Straight Down
A perspective view of a Landsat image of the Atlanta region 945 Atlanta Land Use Map: Green Scheme, Perspective Angle
A simulation showing the correlation between thermal and visible Landsat data of the Atlanta Heat Island 941 Atlanta Heat Island: Land Use Map in Shades of Green
Urban growth of Northern Virginia around Dulles Airport from 1973 to 1996 940 Growth of Washington D.C. Metro Area: Dulles, VA (ROY Scheme)
Urban growth of Montgomery County, Maryland around Interstate 270 from 1973 to 1996. 939 Growth of Washington D.C. Metro Area: Rockville, MD (ROY Scheme)
A animation showing the correlation between thermal and visible Landsat data of the Atlanta Heat Island 938 Atlanta Heat Island: Slower Flyover, Blue TIR Data
Correlated thermal and land use data of the region around Atlanta as measured by LAndsat, where the top image is thermal data and the bottom is land use. 937 Atlanta Heat Island: Slower Flyover, Yellow TIR Data
A flyby of the Atlanta area, with regions of high urban growth indicated in gray 930 Atlanta Urban Growth from 1984 to 1998 (in Gray)
A comparison of land use and thermal infrared data of Atlanta from Landsat 928 Atlanta Heat Island: Landsat Land Use Classification and Thermal IR Data
A flyby of Atlanta in false color infrared using Landsat data 921 Atlanta in False Color Infrared (432)(b)
An animation showing regions of significant urban growth in the metropolitan area around Washington, DC 920 Growth of Washington D.C. Metro Area: Roadways Labeled
New housing development modeled after southern California suburbia 919 Ground Photographs from Southern China: Suburban Housing Development
Road development in a delta, requiring significant gravel build-up 918 Ground Photographs from Southern China: Road Development in the Delta
A new housing development near the location of the raw materials 917 Ground Photographs from Southern China: New Housing Development
Example of the new style of housing in Guangdong Province 916 Ground Photographs from Southern China: Housing in Guangdong Province
Typical abandoned project 915 Ground Photographs from Southern China: Abandoned Project
New road construction in what was previously banana plantations 914 Ground Photographs from Southern China: Road Construction
A zoom into the Pearl River area, using Landsat data 912 Pearl River, Region 4, Principal Component Analysis 621
A zoom into the Pearl River area, using Landsat data 911 Pearl River, Region 3, Principal Component Analysis 621
A zoom into the Pearl River area, using Landsat data 910 Pearl River, Region 2, Principal Component Analysis 621
A zoom into the Pearl River area, using Landsat data 909 Pearl River, Region 1, Principal Component Analysis 621
An animation of the changes in urban growth in the Washington DC metropolitan area from 1985 to 1996, using Landsat data 898 Growth of Washington D.C. Metro area: Gray Scheme with TM Data
Shanghai urban growth (1986 - 1998) 897 Shanghai, dissolve from 1986 to Feb 1998
Urban growth of Washington, D.C. and its suburbs from 1973 to 1996. 895 Growth of Washington D.C. Metro Area: Alternate Color Scheme
Urban growth of Washington DC and surrounding suburbs from 1973 to 1996 894 Growth of Washington D.C. Metro Area: Gray Scheme
A animation of urban changes in Shanghai, dissolving between Landsat imagery from 1986 and 1998 893 Shanghai, dissolve from 1986 to Feb 1998
An animation of urban growth around Annandale, Virginia, from 1973 to 1996 891 Growth of Washington D.C. Metro Area: Annandale, VA
An animation of urban growth around Alexandria, Virginia, from 1973 to 1996 890 Growth of Washington D.C. Metro Area: Alexandria, VA
An animation of urban growth around Waldorf, Maryland, from 1973 to 1996 889 Growth of Washington D.C. Metro Area: Waldorf, MD
An animation of urban growth around Largo, Maryland, from 1973 to 1996 888 Growth of Washington D.C. Metro Area: Largo, MD
An animation of urban growth around Laurel, Maryland, from 1973 to 1996 887 Growth of Washington D.C. Metro Area: Laurel, MD
An animation or urban growth around Rockville, Maryland, from 1973 to 1996 886 Growth of Washington D.C. Metro Area: Rockville, MD
A animation of urban growth in the area around Dulles Airport from 1973 to 1996 885 Growth of Washington D.C. Metro Area: Dulles, VA
A animation of regions of urban growth in the Washington metropolitan area from 1973 to 1996 884 Growth of Washington D.C. Metro Area
Region around Phoenix, AZ (June 25, 1998) 883 Phoenix with terrain, x 3 exaggeration.
SeaWiFS Chesapeake Bay Zoom in 165 SeaWiFS Chesapeake Bay Zoom in
 Urban Growth (in pink) in the Washington/Baltimore region from 1792 to 1992 overlaid over a naturalistic relief map with major roads in white. 99 Baltimore - Washington: 200 Years of Urban Growth logo - the U.S. Government's official Web portal. + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
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