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Internships with Congressman Neil Abercrombie

Mahalo for your interest in an internship in my Washington, DC office. Internships are an excellent hands-on way of learning about the legislative process and about the government in general. Interns gain practical work experience by undertaking a variety of administrative and legislative responsibilities in the office. Duties include but are not limited to sorting constituent correspondence, giving Capitol tours to visiting constituents, attending hearings and lectures, working with staff on special projects, and assisting with other office duties.

Internships are usually awarded to undergraduate students in their junior year in college. Candidates must be both organized and professional. Priority is given to applicants from Hawaii’s first congressional district, although all interested persons are encouraged to apply. A complete application includes a resume, cover letter, writing sample (2-3 pages), and two letters of recommendation. Please direct your application and any questions that you may have to Julie Curti at julie.curti@mail.house.gov. Recommenders may send their letters directly to julie.curti@mail.house.gov. Applications for the fall and spring are accepted on a rolling basis until all available positions are filled. The deadline for summer internships is March 30th.



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