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"In the richest nation on earth, 45 million people—8 million of them children—have no health insurance. Every American needs affordable, quality health care coverage.  The impact of this travesty is even more acute because medical and prescription drug costs continue to soar."

Neil Abercrombie

Web Special: Healthcare Reform

Here’s information, ranging from videos to bill summaries, about Congress’s work to act on healthcare reforms.

The Obama Administration

The House

  • The House coordinated the work of three committees--Energy & Commerce, Education & Labor, and Ways & Means-- to produce a discussion draft on healthcare reform, after more than 60 hearings on the issue over the last two years. The draft is available for download here.
  • Special Video Webisodes. Congressman Abercrombie’s Healthcare Community Forum to gather input on proposed reforms from Hawaii healthcare providers featured presentations by experts in the field. Here’s a listing of individual video segments from the forum held in Honolulu, Hawaii. (May 28, 2009)

The Senate

Please click on the links below to access various resources that address this issue.



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