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Guest Editorials

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November 6, 2007
The Bumpy, Risky Road Attempting to Modernize Outdated Aircraft

October 4, 2007
Iraq Redeployment: Complex, Challenging, Realistic

September 11, 2007
Sometimes to get to the end, you have to meet in the middle

May 17, 2007
Army Modernization – the Big Picture

March 11, 2007
A Context for U.S. Military Readiness

March 6, 2007
2007 Emergency Supplemental Funding Request Confuses 'Need to Have' with 'Nice to Have'

December 17, 2006
What It Will Really Take to Rebuild U.S. military

September 7, 2006
The Hurricane Katrina Aftermath

September 1, 2006
Everybody’s Big Brothers

Declining Military Readiness: How Not to Support the Troops

Veterans Day 2006; Keeping the Promises







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