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Replacing a Document or Image in Plone

Finding your Contents

Your website is made up of folders and pages. You can look at these folders and pages on your Contents tab. Here's how to get there:

  1. Click on the marroon bar with your folder name in it. On this site, it says "Website"
  2. Click on the Contents tab
The Contents tab shows you the contents of your website folder. This is where all of your pages live, along with your documents folder, images folder, and contact information.

Say, for example, that your department organizes the annual Run for the Zoo. Each year, the Run for the Zoo logo and registration form change.

Rather than deleting last year's logo and form, you can simply replace them using the Contents tab. If you follow the steps below, you won't have to remove the links on the Run for the Zoo page - Plone will automatically start linking to the new logo and form!

Here's how to replace outdated documents and images in Plone:

  1. Log in to Plone
  2. Go to the Contents tab for your folder and navigate to the location of the file that needs to be replaced. If it's a PDF, it should be in your documents folder. If it's an image, it should be in your images folder.  (See the sidebar if you don't know how to get to your contents)
  3. In the contents list, find the document or image that needs to be replaced and click it once.
  4. The screen will refresh, showing you only that document or image. From the Status dropdown (where it currently says "Live"), select "Reject" or "Retract".
  5. When the screen refreshes, click the Edit tab.
  6. The Edit File screen appears. Scroll down to where it says "File" and has two radio buttons labeled "Keep existing file" and "Replace with new file:"
  7. Click to select the "Replace with new file:" option
  8. Click Browse to find the new form on your computer or network
  9. Click OK once you've located the new file. You'll be returned to the Edit File screen
  10.  Click Save.
  11. Log out of Plone and navigate to the page where the old document was linked or where the old image appeared. Confirm that the new document is linked or that the new image is appearing. If it's not, call the ISD Help Desk for assistance.

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