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Bicycle Rules of the Road

Observe Bicycle Safety

Call 743-RIDE for bicycle safety information.
Call 243-RIDE (7433) for bicycle safety information.

Bicycling Safety

  • Before riding out of a driveway into the street, stop and look left, right, and left again for traffic.
  • Ride on the right-hand side of the street in the same direction as the flow of automobile traffic.
  • When riding with others, ride single file.
  • Stop at all stop signs and look left, right, and left again for traffic.
  • Walk your bike across busy roads and intersections.
  • Use hand signals to show others that you are stopping or making a turn.

Try Biking

  • 50% of U.S. urban space is devoted to roadways.
  • Auto emissions are the top cause of air pollution.
  • Motor vehicles are responsible for 55% of cancer contaminants-greater than any other source.
  • 54% of Americans live less than 5 miles from their jobs, a distance easily traveled by bicycle.
  • 20% of our (Americans) disposable income is spent on transportation.
  • Drivers work one day/week just to pay for driving expenses (car, insurance, gas, parking, etc.).
  • A ten-mile commute by bicycle requires 350 calories of energy. The same trip in an average American car requires 18,600 calories of energy (about half a gallon of gasoline): 9,200 calories by bus, 8,850 by rail, and 1,000 by foot.
  • Motorists could save an average of 150 gallons of gasoline each year if they rode to public transit facilities instead of driving.
  • 12 bicycles can be parked in the space of one car.
  • Number of lanes a bridge or city street must have to accommodate 40,000 autos per hour: 12
  • Number of lanes necessary to accommodate 40,000 bicycles per hour: 1

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