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Transit Formula Grants

Program Description:

RapidRideTransit Capital Assistance grants support the capital needs of public transportation systems in both urbanized and rural areas. These investments reduce the overall energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of transit systems.

Federal capital investments in transit infrastructure translate into transportation services to individuals who do not have vehicles, persons with disabilities, people with low income, and senior citizens to have basic mobility for access to employment, basic services, and leisure locations. Investment in transit infrastructure also translates into transportation alternatives that contribute to the livability of our cities and communities by reducing air pollution, reducing congestion during peak commuting periods, and promoting urban land use patterns that reduce energy use.

Albuquerque’s public transit system - ABQ Ride - provides safe, affordable, and attractive transportation alternatives to the single occupant vehicle, so that residents have transportation options and traffic congestion is reduced, air quality is improved and commute times are shorter. ABQ Ride has grown by about 40% in passenger boarding’s since Fiscal Year 2006.

Funding Category: 
Transit Formula Grant Pie Chart Bus Stop Shelters & Improvements Fare Box Upgrades Self-Serve Ticket Kiosks


Program Funding Allocated:


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