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How to figure what it will cost....

Estimated costs for a typical 'Non-Profit' rental event.

Performing Art's Event Economics 101 - How to figure the 'Bottom Line'.

Please print this page.  Then sit down with some paper and a calculator, and spend some serious time considering your event's expenses.  This IS how it works.

Some of these fees go the KiMo, others will go various companies or individuals.  This is just an overview of the process so you get the general idea.  
If you will be renting the KiMo at our 'Commercial' rate just substitute in those dollar amounts.

Outside fees.

You are required to get General Liability Insurance for the show date(s) from your insurance company. This may cost $500 to $700, or more.  If you don't have an insurance company we can refer you to several.

You may be paying fees for hiring the performers, and anything they need.  In some cases this will include their transportation, lodging and meals. It may also include any special equipment they need to perform the show. Those requirements are an agreement between you and the performers.  We may have, or can help you locate some of those goods or services.  Additional fees may apply.   FYI, some things they request may be prohibited by our rules.

You will probably also be paying for: Advertising, scenery, props, costumes, rehearsal space, your staff, programs for the audience, etc. etc.

KiMo fees.

Starting off with the Booking Deposit - $250, and the Damage Deposit - $500.  The Booking Deposit goes toward the rent and the Damage Deposit you should get back, but so far you're at $750, up front, to the KiMo.  

The first performance fee ($300) includes the first 8 hours use of the building. This is generally broken down as follows;  3 hours to move in, set up and make sure everything is working,  4 hours for the show (starting at the 'call time' for the ushers, usually 1 hr. before 'curtain' time, and lasting until the audience is gone), with 1 hour left to clean up and get everything out the door. 

Your use of the KiMo will usually not fit into these 8 hours unless you're doing something short and simple, like a Lecture or Movie. 

If you are having more than 1 performance they are billed at $300 each.  With the same 4 hour max. time definition as above.   If your 'performance' takes longer than 4 hours there are additional per hour fees.  
If you are having a: reception, silent auction, or similar activity prior to the actual performance, the billed 'performance' time will start that much sooner.

If you're having Performers on stage and they need a full performance Rehearsal, each rehearsal costs $150 for the 1st. 4 hrs.  

Now you're up to $900  to the KiMo.  

A short 'sound check' is not counted as a rehearsal.  If your rehearsal runs longer than 4 hours between the performer's arrival & departure times there are additional per hour fees. 

Unless your show takes place in the dark with no amplified sound, you'll need folks to set up and run the lighting & sound for you.  2 crew persons for the 12 hours you've rented the KiMo, at $22/ hr. equals $528.

Now you're up to $1,428  to the KiMo.

You are required to have someone on stage to supervise/control the stage door and help keep the performers safe and organized.  1 person times 12 hrs. at $22/ hr. = $264.

A new total of $1,692  to the KiMo.

If you're bringing scenery or using extra equipment you may need additional time to set it up AND take it down.  Each extra 'tech' hour costs $25, plus the crew to do the work.   If it takes 4 hours, that means $100 for the building rental, plus 3 people @ $22 each per hr. ($264) for a total of $364.

You're now up to $2,056 to the KiMo, for 16 hours use of the building, with crew costs.

Each hour after regular daytime 'Business Hours' that you use the KiMo there is an additional $22 per hour fee for a Manager/Supervisor to be here while you are using the building.  If we assume that your Rehearsal and Performance take place after business hours, that fee would be $88 for the rehearsal and approx. $154 for the Performance.  total = $242

A Lobby Security Guard is required for all Performances that take place during evenings or on weekends, $22 per person per hour.  1 performance = $88.   
If you are providing/serving alcoholic beverages an additional Security Guard is required. 

Grand total, $2,386.  

     (and we haven't even mentioned renting any of our extra equipment)

Is that more than you were expecting?  It's probably because $1,056 of this total is for stage crew labor with another $330 for other required personnel.  

The rental fees for the use of the building are 'building rental' fees only and do not include any personnel or labor.

A 3 person stage/tech. crew is the minimum you are required to provide. Your event will likely require more. You can save on some of this expense by providing your own qualified stage crew.   
This is in addition to the 12+ persons you are required to provide for Front-of-House staff during performances.


OK, so how do you pay for all this?

From your ticket sales?   We have 650 seats you can sell tickets for.  
Some of them you may need for Sponsors, VIP's, etc.  

Don't forget you owe $1.50 service fee to the KiMo for each purchased ticket.  And Ticketmaster charges 15 cents for each ticket sold AND deducts credit card processing fees from your sales amount.

Add up all your expenses for the event.  We'll assume you spent $700 on Insurance, $1,500 on advertising, $2000 for the Performers, $2000 for the KiMo & crew, $1000 on scenery and $500 for Misc.

Write down the total,  $7,700.

divide it by 300 (seats/tickets)  =   $25.66

This is what you have to NET from the sale of each ticket to just to Break Even if you sell 300 tickets.

You could divide the total expenses by 600 seats to get a lower ticket cost ($13) but then you'd have to Sell Out the show, just to break even.  (...not a safe bet)

IF you can't sell tickets to your event for at least $27, or guarantee more ticket sales, you have a problem.   Hopefully you have lots of Sponsors who can make significant contributions to your event costs. 


You can also work these calculations another way, 

If you have a rough idea of how many folks might be attending your event and what you'd like the ticket price to be, we can figure how much money it could generate.... 

If you're expecting a paid attendance of 300 persons and you want the ticket price to be $10. - that will create a gross amount of $3,000 - minus the Ticketmaster & KiMo ticket fees.  You'll end up with just over $2,300  and you now know how much fundraising you have to do.

We can go over all this with you well in advance. 

Doing so is HIGHLY recommended !


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