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Neil Isbin Scholarship

Receipient of the 2009 Neil Isbin Scholarship Award Announced

Ruben Ortega Jr., a senior at Eldorado High School, as been selected by the Albuquerque Human Rights Board to receive the 2009 Neil Isbin Scholarship. The Neil Isbin Scholarship is awarded to a high school senior who has demonstrated a commitment to furthering human rights in Albuquerque.

Ruben Ortega Jr.

Mr. Ortega has been an active member of the Albuquerque community and has dedicated his time to furthering human rights and dignity in New Mexico. He has lobbied the New Mexico State Legislature to fight for equal rights for GLBT citizens, volunteered for Equality New Mexico, Albuquerque PFLAG and numerous other organizations. Mr. Ortega has also been actively involved in activities at his school by serving on the Key Club and as President of Eldorado High School's Gay-Straight Alliance, all while maintaining a high academic standing. In his application, Mr. Ortega stated:

"A civil liberties activist fights for those silenced, protects those unable, and seeks out equality for all individuals . . . Each day I try to strengthen the GSA's mission to provide a safe place for students and offer support while striving to diffuse homophobia and discrimination for all individuals . . . The GSA gives me a purpose, a goal, a reason for activism."

Donald K. Davis, a teacher at Eldorado High School, said of Ruben: "I have not encountered another student leader, during my 19 years as a teacher, who has had the courage to take on less popular causes and generate active support in the way Ruben does." 

Mr. Ortega will be attending Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration in the fall.


Information regarding the 2010 Neil Isbin Scholarship will be posted on this site soon. If you would like information, please contact our office at 924-3380 or by e-mail.


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