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Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunities Program

Important Program Announcement

Letter of Intent - September 17, 2008
Proposal Submission - October 22, 2008
Selectees Announced - December 11, 2008

Tentative Flight Weeks (subject to funding and can be canceled without notice):

Flight Week 1 - 03/26/2009 to 04/04/2009
Flight Week 2 - 06/04/2009 to 06/13/2009

About the Program

(FAQs, Flight Video, Generic Flight Week Schedule, Overview, Whom to Contact)

The Reduced Gravity Education Flight Program provides a unique academic experience for undergraduate students to successfully propose, design, fabricate, fly and evaluate a reduced gravity experiment of their choice.

Creating a Proposal

(Application Checklist, Forming a Team, How to Apply, Participation Criteria, Proposal Advice, Proposal Evaluation, Proposal Guidelines, Reasons for Disqualification, Types of Proposals)

Generating an idea for a microgravity experiment is the first stage in competing for a program “slot.” The idea for a reduced gravity experiment is developed by a team of undergraduate students - either as part of a class project or as independent research.

Prior Campaigns

(Archives, Campaign Photographs, Media Coverage)

View past Student Flight Programs and media coverage.