DATE: January 15, 2009       


SUBJECT:  Affixing the Department of the Treasury Seal



1.   DELEGATION.  This directive authorizes:


      a.   Bureau Heads, the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer (for Departmental Offices), the Inspector General (IG), the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), and their deputies to affix the Seal of the Department of the Treasury to authenticate originals and copies of books, records, papers, writings, and documents of the Department for all purposes, including the purposes authorized by 28 USC 1733.  The authority of the Inspectors General is set forth in Section 3, of the Inspector General Act and the Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act, and defined in Treasury Order 114-01 (Office of Inspector General) and Treasury Order 115-01 (TIGTA), or successor orders.  The provisions of this directive shall not be construed to interfere with that authority; 


      b.   the following officials in the Departmental Offices (DO) to affix the Seal of the Department of the Treasury:


            1)  Deputy Assistant Secretary for Privacy and Treasury Records;


            2)  Director, Printing and Graphics Division; and


            3)  Director, Office of Treasury Records; and                                    .


      c.   the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Privacy and Treasury Records, Bureau Heads, the Inspectors General, to procure and maintain custody of the dies for the Treasury seal.


2.   REDELEGATION.  Bureau Heads, the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer (for Departmental Offices), the Inspectors General, and DO officials named in 1. b. and their deputies may redelegate in writing the authority in paragraph 1.a. to appropriate subordinate officials.


3.   CANCELLATION.  Treasury Directive 12-51, "Affixing the Department of the Treasury

      Seal," dated September 11, 2002, is superseded.


4.   OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST.  Office of Treasury Records, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Privacy and Treasury Records, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer. 





Peter B. McCarthy

Assistant Secretary for Management

and Chief Financial Officer