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Rental Information

As of July '09 this page is being updated with some procedural changes. Please review all sections carefully.

Business Hours: Tuesday thru Saturday. Closed Mondays and City holidays. (505) 768-3522.





The City of Albuquerque's Cultural Services Department is pleased to offer you and your organization the opportunity to hold your event in a truly unique facility.

The KiMo Theatre is available for rental by any individual or organization with a Performing Arts or Educational purpose, as well as commercial and private functions.  

By following the procedures listed below you will help your event run smoothly and successfully and also help preserve this Historic building and its mission to our community.

While we realize there is an exceptionally large amount of information on these pages, please understand it is here specifically for the purpose of helping you be as informed and prepared for your event as possible, and attempting to avoid many stressful 'last minute' complications.


It is in your best interest to set aside a meaningful amount of time to review ALL these pages, they are the rules and conditions you and your event will be subject to. 

Also, being familiar with all the information below is essential for effectively completing the online Rental Application Form.  
Undisclosed or misrepresented information may cause the cancellation of your Event. 

Some of the procedures outlined on this page are being changed beginning July 1, 2009. Specific details will be added to this page as they become available. Please review all sections carefully. If you have questions or concerns about these changes please contact our General Manager.

  • Please review ALL the information below before contacting us about your potential event.
  • All items on this page are subject to periodic updates


"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning."    
   ~ Louis L’Amour, American novelist ~


Facility Overview

Max. Auditorium seating capacity: 650, includes 10 wheelchair/companion spaces
Max. Dressing room capacity: 40 persons, in 5 dressing rooms
Stage size: 28' deep x 40' wide x 18' hi.    
Line-sets: None    Grid height: 27ft.    There is no fly-loft
Orchestra Pit: 14' x 38' x 8'
Other Amenities:
Lobby food service area with serving counter, refrigerators and ice machine.
On-site Ticket Office with TicketMaster access.
ETC lighting system: 130+ instruments and 192 dimmers 
2 Phoebus HMI followspots, 4 Martin moving lights.
Electro-Voice Line-Array sound system, with up to two 32 ch. mixing consoles. 
Hearing Impaired system, ClearCom intercom, Lobby TV video.
Epson 8300i video projector, 5200 lumens, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 4x3 and 16x9 
   1024 x 768 XGA,  VGA computer inputs on-stage & in the control booth. 
2 screens, 15' x 20' and 16' x 30+' 
Commercial grade Pioneer DVD player (NTSC & PAL) 
Dolby 7.1 Surround Sound 
Some Film Projection equipment by special arrangement only
Wired (not wireless) High speed Internet access

Please do not make any assumptions about items in the above list without confirming them in person with us prior to applying for dates your event.


The person or organization responsible for presenting an event is known as the Presenter or Producer.  The Presenter creates the performance or hires the performers and rents the KiMo Theatre from the City of Albuquerque as a place to stage the event. The KiMo's administrative staff oversees your use of the building and provides some additional services as requested or required (fees apply) but does not function as the Presenter/Producer, or labor & staff for your event.

If you approach this process as if you are renting a locked dark empty building that is managed by a safety inspector, and you need to request or confirm everything for your event you will be better prepared.  

As you review these pages you will have many questions, make a list then call us and ask, that's why we're here.  Working together we can provide even more outstanding events for our community.

The less information you share with us in advance about your event, the higher the probability that some of the unshared information will create significant problems for you.

Creating and Producing a public event is a very significant and potentially overwhelming task.  The best thing you can do to make the entire process much easier is to start way ahead of time and then it will fall into into a series of steps spread over many months.  

Physical Limitations:

  • The KiMo Theatre is an 80+ year old registered Historic Landmark originally built for small vaudeville acts and silent movies.
  • The stage area was severely damaged by a fire in 1960 and has been only partially repaired.
  • Several other areas of the building have also not yet been restored.  more 

Due to these physical realities staging some events here MAY NOT BE POSSIBLE. 

You should discuss your event, equipment and backstage requirements with our Technical Manager even before inquiring about dates to help avoid additional delays in your locating a suitable venue if we cannot meet your needs.  Most of our limitations are outlined in the various sections and pages below, please review them carefully.


Finding a date for your eventcalendar

It is not possible to inquire about dates for your event 'too soon' and preferably at least 6 to 12 months before the proposed event.
The KiMo Theatre's rental availability is, "first come - first served."  The KiMo is a popular venue and our event calendar can fill up quickly. Inquiries are sometimes received for dates up to 2 years in advance.  
Most weekend or especially desirable dates are usually filled a full YEAR in advance. 

Please do not use seemingly 'empty' dates on our Performance Schedule page as a guideline for available dates.  That page does not include: repair & maint. days, event setup & rehearsal days, or tentative event information that is not ready for public release.

There are very few remaining performance dates available from July 2009 thru May 2010. If you have not already contacted our General Manager to inquire about dates for your event please do so ASAP.   Dates after May 2010 are not yet available. 

If the KiMo is available for your event you will be 'penciled in' and asked to submit a Rental Application form. A Booking Deposit fee is due with your Application. 

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Rental Application - Instructions

To help ensure that there will be sufficient time to obtain maximum benefit from your event, please submit your Application at least 4 to 6 months prior to the proposed event.  Without correct information in a timely manner many of the the various arrangements for your event will be delayed, your costs significantly increased and audience turnout adversely affected.  For these reasons, Applications for events less than 3 months away may not be accepted.

Submission of a KiMo Rental Application and/or payment of the Booking Deposit does NOT guarantee approval of your proposed rental. 

If you are requesting to use the KiMo for more than one day 
you MUST detail your proposed schedule (sample) in a separate document that you attach to a seperate email.  Not sending us a schedule will delay the review of your Application until the proposed schedule is received.

Your requested time in the building:  
Please do not under-estimate the amount of set-up (or load-out) time needed for your Event. A minimum of 2 to 3 hours prior to letting the audience in is required for even the simplest events. Schedule more time than you think you need. As the date for your event gets closer and preparations for it become more definite it is significantly easier to reduce the number of hours you need rather than increasing them. 
Time that is removed from your Schedule in advance is not included in your final bill. 
Extra time you use in the building that was not included in your Rental Schedule in advance is billed at overtime rates.

Itemized times should begin with the arrival of your first 'delivery' or 'set-up' crew person, and end with the departure of your last 'clean-up' person. This allows us to schedule our staff, equipment, custodians, repairs, etc. - for and around your event.

Performer warm-up or informal rehearsals, photo sessions, etc. must be completed 45 minutes prior to showtime.  Please adjust your schedule accordingly.
If you need any assistance figuring the amount of time needed for your event please contact us.

The Rental Application link below will open an online form that will be submitted when you have successfully completed it. You may prepare for submitting the form by printing it, obtaining the needed information at your convenience, then return here to enter it.   Please do not fax or mail your Application.  Submit it online only.
Applications are accepted for review in the order received.  If you cannot complete the form contact us ASAP.

                      KiMo Theatre Rental Application form


Several of the item entries in this online form are 'required'.
If these items are incomplete the errors will be hi-lighted in orange for your review and correction.   Forms with errors are NOT sent or received.

Your Booking Deposit fee is due with the submission of this Rental Application form. 

If your Rental Application is approved and your Booking Deposit is paid, this only holds the requested date(s) for you and will be followed by a meeting for the review and signing of a KiMo Theatre Rental Permit / Contract.  
Please continue to review and follow the rules and guidelines below to prepare for your event. This will help ensure that you are following; City policies, local Ordinances and various State and Federal laws.

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Financial Information money

The KiMo Theatre requires a Booking Deposit of $500 for Commercial and $250 for Non-Profit rentals. 
A 501(c)(3) letter or certificate from the IRS is required to receive the non-profit rates.

The Booking Deposit is due with the submission of your Rental Application and is applied toward the building rental fees.  It is refundable if you withdraw your application prior to signing the Rental Permit and at least 60 days before your event, or if your Application is not approved. 
Your Booking Deposit is not refundable if you cancel your event after the Rental Permit signing or within 60 days of your event, but it is transferable if your event is rescheduled.

The KiMo Theatre requires a Damage & Compliance Deposit of $1000 for Commercial and $500 for Non-Profit events, it is due with the signing of the Rental Permit. 

Select the applicable Rental Rate page:

This damage deposit is refundable after the event if there is no damage to the building or violation of the Rental Permit terms.

The City of Albuquerque requires your organization to have General Liability Insurance of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000.) naming the City of Albuquerque as an "Additional Insured".  You must provide a copy of a valid Certificate of Insurance to the KiMo Theatre no later than 10 business days before your event. 


How to figure out what your Event Rental will actually cost you.  
(probably the MOST valuable information page here)

All additional; Building Use, Equipment rental, personnel and cleaning fees, etc. are added to the base KiMo Rental Fee. You can be provided with an estimate of your event costs.

Ticketmaster deducts credit card fees for tickets sold through their system and a 15 cent per ticket charge for each ticket printed. There is also a City Council mandated 50 cent Ticket Service Fee and a $1 per ticket KiMo service fee.

Your Ticket Sales proceeds will be available to you after they have been received from Ticketmaster, audited and reconciled, approximately 4 weeks after the Event. 

For funds received prior to July 14th. 2009:  To receive the Ticket sales proceeds from your event or the refund of your Damage Deposit, your organization must provide the City/KiMo with a current Federal Tax ID number on a signed IRS W-9 form.   

New Payment Procedure for funds received after July 14th. 2009.  
Ticket sales proceeds from your event or the refund of your Damage Deposit will be issued by check from the KiMo/Keshet Partnership. 

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Rental Permit / Contract signingsignature

After your event Application has been accepted you will need to meet with us for the review and signing of a Rental Contract.

Please take the initiative to contact our General Manager and schedule your Contract meeting.  The sooner you meet with us to sign your Rental Contract the sooner confirmed preparations for your event can begin, preferably at least 2 or 3 months prior to your event.

The Rental Contract is the legal document that allows you to occupy the building, subject to the terms and fees of the Permit and it confirms the legal responsibilities and liabilities for your event and is required for ANY use of the KiMo Theatre.

For us to help your event be presented in the best possible manner we need as much confirmed and detailed information about your event as possible. This information is communicated to us during the Rental Contract signing meeting.

No information about your event can be provided to the public by the KiMo staff until after the Rental Permit/Contract for your event has been signed. 

A signed Rental Permit does not obligate the City/KiMo to provide any goods or services that are not listed in writing, in the Rental Permit.

All goods and services needed for your event or listed in a performing artists 'Technical Rider', are your responsibility to provide or request. Fees apply.   
Some of these items may be prohibited by State/City/KiMo regulations (special effects, alcoholic beverages, etc.) others may be unavailable from the KiMo Theatre. We can provide contact information for various service providers.

We will try to assist you by anticipating some of your needs, but it is not always possible. Some services, labor or equipment may not be available for your event unless you let us know of your plans and needs in a timely manner, preferably at least 2 to 3 months prior to your event. 
To help prevent the incorrect exchange of vital information, and because it will affect the fees you are charged, most of these services (time in the building, ticket set-up, labor, equipment rental, etc.) must be requested in writing.

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Advertising your event to the Publicad

Advertising and marketing your event to the public is solely your responsibility, but it should not begin until after the Rental Permit is signed because you may need to correct or reprint your advertising to accommodate financial and other information obtained at the Rental Permit signing meeting. 

Please contact us for the specific wording (ADA), phone numbers and logos (City / KiMo / Ticketmaster) that should be placed in your advertisements.

We cannot provide information to the public about your event unless you have first provided it to us.  This includes; event description, performance days & times, performer names, prices, etc.

Ticket Sales & Event Admission  tickets3

Admission Tickets are required for all events. 
They can be: Sold, Free or By Donation. 
Tickets may be sold or distributed: In Advance, and/or At-the-Door.

Please be aware that your plans for seating audience members at your event may need to be altered to meet Federal ADA requirements, as our balcony cannot accommodate persons with mobility impairments.

There are a maximum of 650 seating spaces available in the auditorium for all attendees at your event.

'Sold' tickets:

  • Tickets to events at the KiMo are usually sold at the KiMo's Ticket office and through Ticketmaster. Other sales options are restricted and an up-front Service Fee Deposit ($300 for each performance) is required. 
  • Please do not create tickets or set your ticket prices until after the Rental Contract signing meeting, you may need to increase your prices to cover service charges or additional fees you hadn't considered. Whole dollar amount ticket prices are usually preferable.
  • To help ensure maximum attendance at your event you should allow a MINIMUM of 4 weeks for your advertising and ticket sales prior to the event. Anything less will compromise the visibility of your event to your potential audience.
  • At the Rental Contract signing meeting you will be asked to complete and return a Ticket Sales Set-up form.  This form will be provided to you by our Ticket Office Manager and it is the document that confirms the: performance dates & times, seating arrangements and ticket prices for your event.  
  • Ticket sales for your event cannot begin until after your completed 'Sales set-up' form has been returned to us plus 5 business days for processing it thru Ticketmaster. You may contact the KiMo Ticket Office for assistance with the form. (505) 768-3522  
    Information on the Ticket Sales set-up form cannot be changed or altered after tickets for your event have been sold.


'Free' or 'By Donation' Admissions:

  • Graduations, Ceremonies, and other Free or Admission by Donation Events.
    If admission tickets are not sold you must provide another physical method (invitations, coupons, vouchers, etc.) of limiting the maximum number of persons in the auditorium seating area to our legal capacity of 650.   (Fire Dept. Regulations)
    The maximum number of persons allowed in the Auditorium includes all of your: organization staff, guests, graduates, featured speakers, VIP's, performers, etc. who will be seated in the auditorium.  Only the remaining seats are available to your audience members.
  • For Graduations and similar ceremonies it is highly recommended that the invitations be distributed at least several weeks in advance, but holding some in reserve for your 'at-the-door' use to avoid having to turn away last minute VIP's.
  • If some of your organization staff, graduates, featured speakers, VIP's, etc. are only seated/located in the on-stage & backstage areas they can be counted in the  separate "Backstage" limit.  Please inquire.

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Lobby & Front of House Information

Day of Event

You or your 'Authorized Agent' are required to be in the building during all presentations of your event. You are also required to provide a minimum of 8 Ushers and a Lobby Manager/Head Usher for each presentation of your event. The Ushers and your Lobby Manager must be at least 18 years old, arrive not less than 1 hour prior to showtime for a short safety training session and remain available throughout the event. 
An audience cannot be admitted into the building if your Ushers and Lobby Manager are not present.

At least one Security Guard is required for all evening and weekend events. Fees apply.

If tickets are being Sold you must provide your own at-the-door Ticket Seller(s) and bring your own change for cash sales. There is no telephone or credit card equipment/service for at-the-door ticket sales.  Whole dollar amount prices will allow quicker sales transactions.

If admission is Free or By Donation you must provide a suitable method of distributing your: invitations, coupons, vouchers, etc. to every person who will be seated in the auditorium.

For all events, you must provide at least 2 Ticket Takers to verify/accept the admission tickets.

Receptions, Lobby Displays and Concessions

The 'stand-up Reception' maximum capacity of the lobby is 150.
The KiMo Theatre cannot accommodate Receptions at which the guests will be seated.

If you intend to sell or display any merchandise or other items please note that floor space for sales and display tables or easels is very limited and may not obstruct movement of persons in the lobby. (Fire Code)

Nothing may be attached to the inside or outside walls of the building. This specifically includes tape or adhesives on ANY decorative or painted surface. Banners or signs can sometimes be tied up in limited locations.  Only KiMo staff are allowed to perform this task, please inquire

The sales or serving of food items is restricted. There are specific rules about what types of food and beverages may be served and how they are served. Please inquire.

The KiMo does provide a snack food & beverage service area in the Lobby.  It is not a licensed kitchen.  Staffing, stocking and operation of this area is at your option.  A Catering company with a valid Food Service Permit/License is required for the service of food items that require refrigeration or heating.  
All of the City's Environmental Health Department Food Service rules do apply. 

Serving, sales or possession of alcoholic beverages within the KiMo is expressly prohibited without a separate State Alcohol Dispensers Permit, and special Alcohol Liability Insurance. Alcohol Service/Dispensers Permits have a minimum 8 to 12 week processing time. Obtaining this Permit and the required Liability Insurance is solely your responsibility.  Alcohol Service requires an additional Security Guard.  Fees apply.

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Professional / Touring Performers

 If you are contracting with a Professional/Touring Performer for your event they will have a "Technical Rider" outlining their requirements for the event, a current copy must be submitted as part of your Rental Application.
Without a current Technical Rider we cannot alert you to any potential additional costs or discrepancies between the requests in it and the equipment & services that are available from the KiMo. 
Any shortcomings are your responsibility to resolve, not ours. 
The KiMo Theatre cannot provide equipment or services it does not have.
We may be able to assist you in locating these services or equipment. Please inquire.
Some items in an Artists Technical Rider may be prohibited by State/City/KiMo regulations. Examples: special effects, alcoholic beverages, smoking, etc.

Stage Labor  crew

There is no KiMo 'in house' technical crew. 
Crew for all events is provided by the event's Presenter (you) or arranged thru an outside theatrical labor agency.

To help ensure that qualified persons are on site to set up and operate our lighting and sound equipment for your event at least 2 persons can be scheduled for you if you don't provide us with the names of the persons you will be using. Fees apply

Additional labor can be scheduled for your event on an 'as needed' basis.
All fees for crew & labor are billed in addition to the rental of the building.

If you chose to provide your own backstage staff and crew for your event it should consist of at least 3 persons, 1 each for lighting, sound and stage. 
A more thorough listing of Theatrical production personnel is contained on our Production Staff and Stage Crew page.

When any scheduled crew persons are here working directly on the: setup, presentation and loadout/restore of your event those hours worked are also included in the KiMo's billing as part of your 'Building Rental hours'.  These hours will be discussed with you at the Rental Contract signing meeting and in followup emails from our staff in the last few weeks prior to your event date.

Please contact the KiMo Theatre Technical Manager (768-3578) and initiate conversations about crew and labor staffing well in advance of your event to avoid untimely complications.

If you have not already confirmed your labor needs with us you will contacted by our Technical Staff approximately 3 weeks prior to your event.

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Stage Equipment

To help prevent delays in your locating a suitable venue if the KiMo Theatre cannot meet your needs you should contact the KiMo Theatre's Technical Manager to discuss your equipment needs before inquiring about dates for your event or submitting your Rental Application and at any time prior to your event  (505) 768-3578.  

Some additional equipment is available here for rent but please do not assume we have specific, critical items of technical equipment available for your event without confirming its availability, suitability for your needs, and its cost, directly with us. Due to occasional breakdowns & repairs this includes equipment in our regular inventory.

To help avoid confusion or mistaken assumptions we need to communicate directly with the person(s) in charge of your technical equipment needs. We can provide lists of our current; Lighting, Sound, Projection and Video equipment inventory and it's rental costs, to the appropriate person(s).

Most of the KiMo's stage equipment is maintained in a standard 'in-house' configuration, any proposed changes should be reviewed by us in advance and then must be restored back to the 'in-house' configuration (i.e. putting everything back the way it was and cleaning up) within the load-out time you have scheduled.  Labor and building rental overtime fees will apply.
Light Plots and Ground Plan drawings

Our standard 'in-house' configuration for lighting, sound & video does not eliminate the need to set up or adjust the equipment specifically for your event, it just makes it quicker and simpler.
Labor charges for the setup and operation of any equipment are not included in the rental fees for the building or any of it's equipment. 

You are not required to use any of the KiMo's 'in-house' equipment. You may obtain alternate or additional equipment from other sources. Please allow sufficient time for its delivery, setup and removal, when scheduling the time you are using/renting the KiMo. Overtime fees will apply.

If you will be renting or bringing technical equipment for your event you must provide us with a contact name, phone number and email address for all equipment suppliers. 
Proper operation and compatibility with the KiMo's equipment is the responsibility of your staff and the equipment supplier, and cannot be assured.

Any additional equipment you obtain for the presentation of your event cannot arrive before your scheduled starting time or remain in the building after the conclusion of your event. There is no storage space here and your items will interfere with other uses/rentals of the building.   Building Rental Overtime fees will apply unless advance arrangements have been made in writing. 

The City's Environmental Health Department regulations limit the sound sytem volume at your event to a maximum of 90 decibels 'A' weighted.  Variance permits are available.  More information at this link.

The KiMo does not have any line-sets or a flyloft. 
The KiMo does not have any musical instrument equipment or 'backline' items. 
We cannot provide any 'hospitality' (food, beverage, etc.) items.  
The KiMo does not maintain any inventory of: scenery, costumes, backdrops, furniture, props, etc. 
We also cannot provide Recording and/or Broadcasting services or equipment. 

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Backstage Rules  fireman

Our backstage rules deal directly with the immediate life safety of up to 750 people.
For your own protection please carefully review the 4 pages linked below, even if you are sure they don't apply to your event, or if you read them last month.  
They all contain some rules that if violated could cause the immediate cancellation of your event and/or the forfeiture of all your Deposits. 

To help prevent damage to this historic building and injury to anyone in it, there are guidelines and regulations regarding virtually all aspects of use of the facility.   For example: the quantity, training and behavior of your performers, staff & crew.  Fire Lanes, Exits, Occupancy Load, Special Effects, sound system volume, animals, flame, fog, food heating equipment, food, liquids and drinking water, body paint, snow, glitter, toy or prop weapons, etc.

These rules were created with the cooperation of the City of Albuquerque's; Risk Management, Legal, Building Code and Fire Departments.

With sufficient notice and an adequate number of properly trained and informed personnel for your event these rules are very easy to follow.
Please discuss them with your staff, performers and crew as soon as possible.

Fire Department regulations limit the Backstage Occupancy of the KiMo. This limit includes everyone on your event staff: directors, performers, musicians, stage crew, costumers, makeup crew, chaperones, stand-by helpers ..... everyone.

There is only dressing room space for a maximum of 40 persons.
The backstage areas of the KiMo have not been fully renovated and there are no suitable accommodations for additional persons.  If your event has more than 40 performers please be aware that you may need to make some compromises to have your event here. 

If your staff, crew, performers or deliveries arrive before, or leave after, the times you have scheduled for your event (in the Rental Contract) there may not be assigned supervisory staff here to let them in and/or overtime fees will apply.  Please consider this an incentive to take sufficient time, well in advance, to create a realistic schedule for your event. One that is communicated to us with enough notice to allow us to schedule; our staff, equipment, custodians, building repairs, etc. - for and around your event. Please contact us and we be glad to assist you in creating a workable schedule for your event.

The KiMo Theatre has no; workshop, set-up, storage or rehearsal areas, only the main stage area. To help prevent damage to our stage floor and curtains your scenery may be assembled (only) on the stage and any scenery construction or painting may not take place at the KiMo Theatre. As needed, your scenery may be fastened to the stage floor with screws (only). Nails and staples are prohibited. Stage weights are available.

If you bring, borrow or rent anything for your event (scenery, band equipment, piano, plants, etc.) it cannot arrive before your scheduled "load-in" time or be left here after the close of your event, we have no storage space. This is occasionally a problem with 'delivered' Rental equipment or borrowed or large items that aren't picked up during your scheduled load-out time. If these items are left here they could be lost or damaged or, more importantly, they will interfere with other uses and rentals of the building. Overtime building rental fees will apply. Please make whatever arrangements are necessary to have all items removed promptly at the close of your event.

Exits, aisles, stairwells, walkways and Fire Lanes may not be obstructed at any time. (Fire Dept. Regulations) This includes ALL interior and exterior locations.

Smoking, matches, candles, open flame, incense, etc. are prohibited anywhere in the building.   Items such as; glitter, feathers, confetti, snow & bubble machines, etc. may cause a cleaning concern. Extra cleaning fees will apply.  Prior approval is required.

The possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances in the dressing rooms or any other backstage areas is prohibited, this specifically includes unopened/sealed containers. (State of NM and City of Albuquerque regulations)

Several of our Fire Exit doors open into the alley, the building cannot be occupied if emergency access thru the alley is obstructed. Fines, towing of your vehicles and delay of your event activities may result.

The KiMo Theatre has no parking spaces for ANY vehicles.
To accomodate Deliveries, Emergency Vehicles and access thru our Emergency Exits, the alley behind the KiMo is designated as a 24/7 FIRE LANE.
Parking in the alley is not allowed at any time, loading and unloading only.   
If your event needs access to on-street parking places for vehicles you should contact the Parking Division and/or the Barricade Permit Office.

Tour buses or Production trucks can usually be parked in the traffic lane on 5th street. A Barricade Permit is required. Fees apply. The KiMo has no electrical service (shore power) for these vehicles.


For any questions regarding; available lighting, sound, video and film equipment, equipment rental rates, labor requirements, backstage rules, etc. contact the KiMo's Technical Manager (505) 768-3578.

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Other Necessary Stage Information

General stage information you and your crew will need, so you can be more prepared.

The stage Loading Door opens directly into the alley behind the building at pavement level. There is no raised loading dock. Your truck(s) will need a lift gate or ramp for unloading/loading heavy items.  The use of the alley at the Stage Loading Door is limited to loading & unloading only.   No parking.

The theater was constructed without a Green Room, rehearsal space, warmup rooms, shop space, scenery storage areas or space you can use as a Production Office. The stage area has been only minimally renovated and has no fly system. There is no wing space for extra scenery. All in-house stage curtains are dead-hung and cannot be easily relocated.  FYI. our Stage Drawings page 

Our Projection Booth has not been restored and is only marginally capable of presenting films and only under extremely limited conditions.  Significant labor charges for operating the equipment also apply.  

Permission to Audio or Video record live Theatrical Performances is restricted by Federal Copyright & Intellectual Property laws and may not be allowed. Some conditions at the KiMo may be unsuitable for recording purposes.   Please inquire. (505) 768-3578 or email

There are 4 lighting trusses on chain motors and 1 scenery truss for a backdrop (24-25ft. hi Max.). There is a gross load limit of 1000 lbs. for each truss, but due to structural concerns this does not equal a combined gross load limit of 5,000 pounds. Please inquire.

We have 5 dressing rooms for a maximum of 40 persons. Two of the dressing rooms are suitable for 5 persons (or less) and one dressing room is suitable for 1 or 2 persons. The two larger dressing rooms (1 @ 8/10 and 1 @ 15/20 persons) each have a shower. There is a 2-way intercom system for the Stage Manager & dressing rooms.  Only the smallest dressing room is on stage level. The others are either up or down stairs.

There is an 8 ft. deep Orchestra Pit suitable for approximately 25 musicians. The front 7 feet of the stage is a (manually removable) cover over the Pit.

Due to a lack of storage space the KiMo Theatre does not maintain any inventory of; scenery, props, furniture, costumes, backdrops, extra curtains, or band equipment (backline) for your event.

There is a smoke and heat-sensing Fire Alarm System: onstage, backstage and in the dressing room areas of the KiMo. Some otherwise 'normal' conditions (fog machines, hair spray, ironing costumes, curling irons, etc.) may cause the unintended activation of this system. Evacuation of the building is mandatory until the cause is confirmed. This specifically includes DURING performances. 

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Health Notices & ADA

The stage is Accessible (ADA) to persons with mobility impairments, with limitations.  
There is only one dressing room at stage level.    Max. capacity, 2 persons.
There are no elevators backstage.

The elevation at the KiMo Theatre is about 5,000 feet (1520 meters) above sea level. If your performers are not used to this altitude they could suffer from some degree of oxygen deficency. This will be very noticeable during extreme exertion or especially in performers with lung or heart conditions. A doctors prescription is required to obtain supplemental oxygen.  Please make appropriate advance arrangements with the Performer's regular phsyician(s).  

As the Renter/Presenter you are responsible for the health, medical and accident related concerns of your performers, staff and crew.  Bringing a First Aid kit is highly recommended.  In addition, you may be required to provide Workers Comp. Insurance for your employees.

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The Rules, Guidelines or Recommendations listed on or linked from this page may be UPDATED AT ANY TIME to comply with various City of Albuquerque administrative instructions, Local, State, and Federal laws, as well as provide for the general protection and safety of all persons attending or participating in any activities at the KiMo Theatre.



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