Press Room

January 5, 2006

Treasury Officials to Travel to New York, South Carolina, Georgia, and Arizona to Discuss Economic Growth

Treasury Officials will travel to New York, South Carolina, Georgia, and Arizona this week to discuss President Bush's agenda for a strong and vibrant economy.  

"There is a lot of very good news to talk about when it comes to the American economy. We're growing at a steady pace, and the benefits of that economic growth are touching more Americans every day. From record levels of home ownership to the creation of four and a half million new jobs, the economic news continues to paint a clear picture: that the opportunities created by lower taxes and sound monetary policy have helped the American economy grow and maintain its position as the envy of the world," said Secretary John Snow.

The following events scheduled for Friday, January 6, are open to the press:

Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions Emil Henry Jr.
Remarks at breakfast hosted by the Greater Columbia Chamber of Commerce
Wilbur Smith Tower, Summit Club, 20th floor
Grevais at Sumter Streets
Columbia, South Carolina
7:45 a.m. EST

*Media please contact Renee Joy at (803) 733-1152 or to register for the event.

Deputy Secretary Robert M. Kimmitt
Roundtable discussion hosted by Georgia State University Business School
Commerce Club
34 Broad Street, NW, 18th floor, Bennett Brown Room
Atlanta, Georgia
12:30 p.m. EST 

U.S. Treasurer Anna Escobedo Cabral
Remarks on Economic Growth and Financial Education
Arizona State University
Memorial Union, Alumni Lounge
Tempe, Arizona
1:00 p.m. MST
