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Veterans & Military Affairs Advisory Board

The Board meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the 10:00am at the Department of Senior Affairs Administration Office, 714 7th Street SW. 


Bryon Páez, Veterans Liaison, 1-505-690-6672

Larry Blair, MOPH, Vice Chair

Mary T. Cox, WAVES National

Roger Knight, Ranger, VVA, Airbourn, SFA, AUSA

Gil Martinez, Military Coalition

George Gallegos, KWVA

Sarah Langely, AMVETS Post 7



The Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council shall appoint the members from names recommended by the local Veterans organizations, military organizations and other Department of Defense or Department of Veterans Affairs organizations providing services to Veterans. All members must be Veterans residing in the County of Bernalillo.


The Veterans and Military Affairs Advisory Board is made up of twelve Veterans residing in the County of Bernalillo and serves in an advisory capacity. Members identify issues concerning Veterans and their dependents and assist in developing programs to resolve problems, alleviate conditions and improve the quality of life for our Veterans to the extent possible.   The Board also serves as a network for the exchange of information relative to  Veterans activities.

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