Source: California Invasive Plant Council

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Across California, invasive plants damage wildlands. Invasive plants displace native plants and wildlife, increase wildfire and flood danger, consume valuable water, degrade recreational opportunities, and destroy productive range and timber lands. Cal-IPC works with land managers, researchers, policy makers, and concerned citizens to protect the state from invasive plants. More info...

New at

  • 2009 Symposium: We are accepting abstracts until June 19. Registration will open in May. More info...
  • Cost of weeds: We surveyed agencies and organizations to determine what is spent on invasive plant management in California. Download flyer (pdf)... or learn more. . .
  • 2009 Field Courses: Join our expert instructors to hone your wildland weed management skills. This year we are offering two new courses! More info...
  • Research Needs Assessment: High-priority research needs to help invasive plant management. More info...
  • Support us when you search the internet: Use GoodSearch as your search engine and enter "Cal-IPC" in "Who do you search for?" Go to GoodSearch...
  • Cal-IPC Student Chapter: Visit the student chapter on Facebook or on their website.
  • Photos on Flickr: View photos of plants and Cal-IPC events on our Flickr site. View photos...

California Invasive Plant Council
1442-A Walnut St., #462  ~  Berkeley, CA 94709
p: (510) 843-3902  ~  f: (510) 217-3500  ~