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[EnglishLanguage 2623] Re: Sheltered English for Adults?

Steinbacher Mikal

Mikal.Steinbacher at
Wed Jun 11 18:20:20 EDT 2008

As a certified ESL instructor with a major in English, I have taught the transition English course for a number of quarters. We actually have enough ESL students, coupled with native speakers with weak writing skills, to fill a developmental class. It works well. If you have someone with that combined background in your college you might give it a try!

I don't have any suggestions for teaching English teachers how to "deal with" ESL students.

Good luck!

Mikal Steinbacher
Instructor, ABE/ESL/English
Lake Washington Technical College


From: englishlanguage-bounces at on behalf of Jennifer Herrin
Sent: Wed 6/11/2008 7:10 AM
To: englishlanguage at
Subject: [EnglishLanguage 2616] Sheltered English for Adults?

Hello all,
In our community college program we have only one
transition course for ESL students. Therefore, once
students have tested out of ESL classes (we use the
CASAS), they often end up in Developmental English
classes. The teachers of these classes often do not have
training or experience with ESL.

I will soon be responsible for providing training for
these teachers, and I would like to know if there are
any resources (articles, textbooks) that would give me
ideas to help mainstream teachers build strategies to
best serve the ESL students that end up in their

I have found info on "sheltering" strategies for K-12,
such as collaborative work, using visuals, repeating,
paraphrasing, etc. (strategies ESL teachers are quite
familiar with). However, I would like to find more
adult-focused materials to help these non-ESL teachers
work with ESL adults in their classrooms.

Thank you much!
Jennifer Herrin
Central New Mexico Community College
jherrin at
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