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[EnglishLanguage 2101] Topics for the list 2007, 2008

Lynda Terrill

lterrill at
Thu Jan 31 12:48:45 EST 2008

Dear subscribers,

I'd like to sum up the topics the list discussed last year and also to look forward to possible topics of discussion this year on the list.

First, I want to say that my favorite thing about this list community is that so many of you bring up topics of interest and concern and so many of you respond so quickly. In fact, this is a subscriber -centered list and, to me, that makes this list a powerful tool.

In 2007, we had several successful guest facilitated discussions and we spent some time in the fall sharing resources in a focused and reflective way, but you brought up and worked on many other important topics as well

Last year there were guest facilitated discussions on

* workplace ESL
* teaching writing to adult English language learners
* adult ESL content standards
* practical strategies for working with literacy-level learners.

In addition to the focused sharing of resources, we also had the yearly discussion and sharing about TESOL/COABE sessions (as we will again).

Other topics you brought up-- which were sometimes part of the above discussions or offshoots of them-- included the following:

* immigration, citizenship preparation, and EL/civics
* native language literacy
* bilingual classes
* phonemics and pronunciation\
* reading aloud in adult ESL classes
* multilevel classes;
* vocabulary acquisition
* offering a menu of classes rather than general ESL classes;
* technology and distance learning.

By February 11, will you send your suggestions to the list for "special" discussions?

Thanks, and, as always, please bring to the list issues related to teaching adult ESL as they come up. .


Lynda Terrill

List moderator

lterrill at

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