U.S. Census Bureau
 Industry and Occupation

Census 2000 Alphabetical Index of Occupations
O.B. scrub nurse (622) 29-1111 (819) 313
O.B. specialist (6211) 29-1064 (797) 306
O.D.   29-1041   304
O.S.D. clerk   43-9199   593
O.T.   29-1122   315
O.T. aide (622) 31-2012 (819) 361
O.T.C. clerk   43-4011 (697) 520
OB/GYN   29-1064   306
Oakes machine operator   51-9023 (239) 865
Oarsman (711) 27-2021 (856) 272
Object-oriented programmer   15-1021   101
Observer 51331 43-2021 668 502
Observer 924 19-4099 949 196
Observer 113 33-2022 019 375
Observer 211 19-4041 037 193
Observer 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Obstetrical nurse   29-1111   313
Obstetrician (6211) 29-1064 (797) 306
Occupational analyst   13-1072   062
Occupational health and safety specialist   29-9011   354
Occupational health nurse   29-1111   313
Occupational medicine specialist (6211) 29-1069 (797) 306
Occupational nurse   29-1111   313
Occupational physician   29-1069   306
Occupational therapist   29-1122   315
Occupational therapy \ n.s., associate degree   31-2011   361
Occupational therapy \ n.s., bachelor's degree or higher   29-1122   315
Occupational therapy \ n.s., less than associate degree   31-2012   361
Occupational therapy aide   31-2012   361
Occupational therapy director   11-9111   035
Oceanographer (5419) 19-2042 (749) 174
Oceanographic meteorologist   19-2021   171
Ocular care aide   31-9092   365
Ocular care technologist   29-2099   353
Oculist (6211) 29-1069 (797) 306
Odd bundle worker (3122) 53-7063 (139) 963
Odd job laborer   53-7062   962
Odd jobs \ n.s. 5617 exc. 56173 37-2019 769 422
Odd jobs \ n.s. 56173 37-3011 777 425
Odd jobs \ n.s. \ Any not listed 53-7062 \ Any not listed 962
Odd jobs \ n.s. 111, 115 45-2092 017, 029 605
Odd jobs \ n.s. 112 45-2093 018 605
Odd jobs \ n.s. 23 47-2061 077 626
Odd jobs \ n.s. 31-33 51-9199 107-118, 127-399, 647, 648 896
Odd jobs, day worker (814) 37-2011 (929) 422
Odd jobs, exc. day worker (814) 53-7062 (929) 962
Odd ticket clerk   43-9199   593
Offal icer, poultry (3116) 53-7062 (118) 962
Offal roller (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Offal separator   51-3022   781
Offal trimmer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Offal worker, exc. poultry (3116) 51-3022 (118) 781
Offal worker, poultry (3116) 53-7062 (118) 962
Offbearer   53-7063   963
Office and artists materials sales representative   41-4012   485
Office boy or girl 6211-6214 43-9061 797-809 586
Office boy or girl Exc. 6211-6214 43-5021 Exc. 797-809 551
Office cleaner   37-2011   422
Office clerk \ n.s.   43-9061   586
Office clerk, secretary   43-6014   570
Office copy selector   43-9051   585
Office correspondent   43-4021   521
Office employee   43-9061   586
Office machine installer   49-2011   701
Office machine operator   43-9071   590
Office machine service   49-2011   701
Office messenger   43-5021   551
Office nurse \ n.s.   29-1111   313
Office rental clerk   41-2021   474
Office secretary   43-6014   570
Office sweeper   37-2011   422
Office system analyst   15-2031   122
Office work and bookkeeper   43-3031   512
Office worker \ n.s.   43-9061   586
Office worker, filing, typing   43-9022   582
Officer 521-522 13-2072 687-689 091
Officer 23 47-4011 Compliance 077 666
Officer Exc. 23 13-1041 Exc. compliance 077 056
Officer 922, 92115 33-3051 Police department 947 385
Officer 6242 21-1099 Salvation Army 838 202
Officer 92113 13-2081 U.S. Customhouse 938 093
Officer 483 53-5021 U.S. Merchant Marine 609 931
Official 6111 11-9032 786 023
Official 62441 11-9031 847 023
Official 8131 21-2099 916 206
Official 922, 92115 33-1099 947 373
Official \ Any not listed 11-9199 \ Any not listed 043
Official 521-522 13-2099 687-689 095
Official 6112-6115 11-9033 787, 788 023
Official 92111-92115, 923-928 11-9199 937-939, 948-959 043
Official 6242 21-1099 Salvation Army 838 202
Official greeter 7211 39-3031 Resort hotel 866 442
Offset camera operator (3231) 51-5022 (199) 825
Offset duplicating machine operator, clerical   43-9071   590
Offset duplicating machine operator, printing   51-5023   826
Offset duplicating machine set up operator   51-5023   826
Offset lithographic press setter/set up operator   51-5023   826
Offset machine operator   51-5023   826
Offset plate maker   51-5022   825
Offset platemaker   51-5022   825
Offset press operator (3231) 51-5023 (199) 826
Offset printer (3231) 51-5023 (199) 826
Offsetting machine, hand   43-9071   590
Oil agent (211) 11-9141 (037) 041
Oil analyst (32411) 19-4041 (207) 193
Oil boiler   51-9051   873
Oil burner 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Oil burner installer   49-9021   731
Oil changer   53-6031   936
Oil deliverer (4227) 53-3032 (449) 913
Oil derrick operator 211 47-5011 037 680
Oil developer #211 47-1011 #037 620
Oil dispatcher 5133 43-5032 668, 669 552
Oil dispatcher Exc. 5133 53-1031 Exc. 668, 669 900
Oil distributor (4227) 41-4012 (449) 485
Oil distributor tender (23) 47-4061 (077) 674
Oil driller 211, 213 47-5012 037, 049 680
Oil expeller operator   51-9199   896
Oil expert 211, 32411 19-2031 037, 207 172
Oil extractor 482, 8113 53-7062 608, 887 962
Oil extractor Exc. 482, 8113 51-9199 Exc. 608, 887 896
Oil field caser #211 47-5099 #037 694
Oil field pumper   53-7073   965
Oil field rig builder OWN 211 47-1011 OWN 037 620
Oil field rig builder PR 211 47-2221 PR 037 653
Oil field tester (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Oil field worker #211 47-5099 #037 694
Oil furnace installer   49-9021   731
Oil gauger   51-8093   863
Oil heater installer   49-9021   731
Oil heaterman (23) 47-2061 (077) 626
Oil house attendant (482) 43-5081 (608) 562
Oil laboratory analyst (32411) 19-4041 (207) 193
Oil lease broker   41-3031 (697) 482
Oil lease buyer PR 211 11-9141 PR 037 041
Oil lease operator OWN 211 11-1021 OWN 037 002
Oil lease operator PR 211 11-9141 PR 037 041
Oil mixer (32411) 51-9023 (207) 865
Oil operator OWN 211 11-1021 OWN 037 002
Oil operator PR 211 47-1011 PR 037 620
Oil painter (5419) 27-1013 (749) 260
Oil pit attendant (482) 49-9043 (608) 735
Oil producer OWN 211 11-1021 OWN 037 002
Oil producer PR 211 47-1011 PR 037 620
Oil prospecting observer (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Oil pumper 32411 51-8093 207 863
Oil pumper \ Any not listed 53-7072 \ Any not listed 965
Oil pumper 211 53-7073 037 965
Oil recovery unit operator   51-9012   864
Oil refiner   51-8093   863
Oil scout (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Oil separator   51-9012   864
Oil speculator #523 41-3031 #697 482
Oil spraying machine operator   53-3032   913
Oil spreader operator (23) 47-4051 (077) 673
Oil tank car cleaner   53-7061   961
Oil tanker captain #483 53-5021 #609 931
Oil tester 211, 32411 19-4041 037, 207 193
Oil transport driver   53-3032   913
Oil treater 211 51-9012 037 864
Oil treater Exc. 211 51-9199 Exc. 037 896
Oil truck driver   53-3032   913
Oil well driller #211 47-5012 #037 680
Oil well gun perforator operator (211) 47-5031 (037) 683
Oil well logger (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Oil well pumper #211 53-7073 #037 965
Oil well service operator (211) 53-7073 (037) 965
Oil well shooter (211) 47-5031 (037) 683
Oiler 483 53-5011 609 930
Oiler Exc. 483 49-9043 Exc. 609 735
Oiler bander   49-9043   735
Oiling machine operator   51-9199 (179) 896
Old coin dealer #4533 25-4012 #549 240
Old gold buyer (4219) 13-1022 (429) 052
Older adult social work specialist   21-1022   201
Older worker specialist 923 13-1073 U.S. Employment Service 948 062
Oleomargarine maker   51-3092 (128) 784
Olericulturist   19-1029   161
Olive brine tester   51-9061   874
Olive grader   45-2041   604
Olive knocker   45-2092   605
Olive packer   53-7064   964
Olive picker   45-2092   605
Olive pitter   51-9199   896
Oliver filter operator   51-9012   864
Oliving machine operator   51-9071   875
Ombudsman   23-1022   211
Oncology social work   21-1022   201
Onion tier   45-2041   604
Onion topper   45-2092   605
Opaquer 3231 51-5022 199 825
Opaquer Exc. 3231 51-9123 Exc. 199 881
Open developer operator   51-6099   846
Open hearth furnace operator 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Open hearth laborer   51-9199   896
Open hearth melter 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Open hearth worker 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Open soaper tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Open winder 313-315 51-6064 147-169 842
Opener \ n.s. 8123 51-6011 907 830
Opener \ n.s. \ Any not listed 51-9199 \ Any not listed 896
Opener \ n.s. 92113 13-2081 U.S. Customs Service 938 093
Opener tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Opener, hat and cap 313-315 53-7063 147-169 963
Opera singer (5121) 27-2042 (657) 275
Operating room nurse (622) 29-1111 (819) 313
Operating room orderly (622) 31-1012 (819) 360
Operational meteorologist   19-2021   171
Operations agent 481 43-5061 607 560
Operations agent 482-488, 49 53-6051 608-639 941
Operations agent 926 53-6051 U.S. Federal Aviation Admin. 957 941
Operations agent \ Any not listed 13-1041 \ Any not listed 056
Operations analyst   15-2031   122
Operations chief, tank and amphibian tractor   49-1011   700
Operations clerk   43-9199   593
Operations coordinator 481 53-2022 607 904
Operations coordinator Exc. 481 11-9199 Exc. 607 043
Operations officer   13-2099   095
Operations research analyst   15-2031   122
Operations superintendent   41-1011   470
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 5121 39-3021 657 441
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 51331 43-2021 668 502
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 51332-51339 43-2099 669 503
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 6231 11-9111 827 035
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 8123 51-6011 907 830
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 111, 112 11-9011 017, 018 020
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 21 47-5049 037-049 684
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 2211 51-8013 057 860
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 22132 51-8031 068 862
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 485 exc. bus co. 53-4011 608 exc. bus co. 920
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 812111 39-5011 Barbershop 897 450
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 812112 39-5012 Beauty parlor 898 451
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 5616 43-5032 Burglar alarm co./fire alarm co. 768 552
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 485 53-3021 Bus co. 618 912
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 5141 43-2099 News syndicate 678 503
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 8129 27-4021 Photograph studio 909 291
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 482 43-2099 Railroad station 608 503
Operator, C.O.W. exc. OWN 713 39-3091 Wired music service 859 443
Ophthalmic aide   31-9092   365
Ophthalmic dispenser   29-2081   352
Ophthalmic technologist   29-2099   353
Ophthalmologist (6211) 29-1069 (797) 306
Opthalmic photographer   27-4021   291
Optical dispenser   29-2081   352
Optical glass silverer   51-9123   881
Optical goods worker   51-9199   896
Optical instrument specialist   19-2012   170
Optical lathe operator   51-4034   801
Optical worker (3391) 51-9083 (396) 876
Optician   29-2081   352
Optician, dispensing and measuring   29-2081   352
Optometric aide   31-9092   365
Optometric technologist   29-2099   353
Optometrist (62132) 29-1041 (807) 304
Oral hygienist (6212) 29-2021 (798) 331
Oral pathologist   29-1029   301
Oral surgeon (6212) 29-1022 (798) 301
Oral therapist   29-1127   323
Orange picker   45-2092   605
Orange picker, machine operator   45-2091   605
Orator (5419) 27-2099 (749) 276
Orchard hand   45-2092   605
Orchard sprayer   37-3012   425
Orchardist GOV,OBI or PR 111, 115 11-9011 GOV,OBI or PR 017, 029 020
Orchardist OBNI 111 11-9012 OBNI 017 021
Orchestra conductor (5121) 27-2041 (657) 275
Orchestra director (5121) 27-2041 (657) 275
Orchestra leader (5121) 27-2041 (657) 275
Orchestrator (5419) 27-2041 (749) 275
Orchid grower GOV,OBI or PR 111, 115 11-9011 GOV,OBI or PR 017, 029 020
Orchid grower OBNI 111 11-9012 OBNI 017 021
Orchid hand   45-2092   605
Ordained minister (8131) 21-2011 (916) 204
Order booker   43-4151   535
Order boy   53-3033   913
Order caller   43-4151   535
Order checker   43-5111   563
Order clerk \ n.s. 722 35-3022 868 406
Order clerk, exc. food service Exc. 722 43-4151 Exc. 868 535
Order clerk, food service (722) 35-3022 (868) 406
Order control clerk, blood bank   43-4151 (818) 535
Order desk clerk   43-4151   535
Order detailer   43-5061   560
Order dispatcher, chief   43-1011   500
Order editor   43-4151   535
Order expediter   43-5061   560
Order filler \ n.s. 722 35-3022 868 406
Order filler \ n.s. Exc. 722 43-5081 Exc. 868 562
Order filler, clerical   43-4151   535
Order filler, linseed oil   53-7062 (128) 962
Order filler, wholesale and retail sales   43-5081   562
Order make up clerk   43-4151   535
Order packer or packager   53-7064   964
Order picker   43-5081   562
Order planner   43-5061   560
Order puller   43-5081   562
Order runner 3116 43-5081 118 562
Order runner Exc. 3116 53-3033 Exc. 118 913
Order schedule clerk   43-5061   560
Order selector   43-5081   562
Order taker 722 35-3022 868 406
Order taker Exc. 722 43-4151 Exc. 868 535
Order tracer   43-4151   535
Ordering machine operator (3122) 51-9199 (139) 896
Orderly   31-1012   360
Ordinary   23-1021 (947) 211
Ordinary seaman (483) 53-5011 (609) 930
Ordnance artificer (928) 47-5031 (959) 683
Ordnance handler   47-5031   683
Ordnance keeper   47-5031   683
Ore bridge operator   53-7021   951
Ore buyer   13-1023   053
Ore charger 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Ore crusher   51-9021   865
Ore digger   47-5099   694
Ore dryer 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Ore fielder 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9199 267-369, 608, 887 896
Ore grader   51-9061   874
Ore miner \ n.s. 212, 213 47-5049 038-049 684
Ore miner, blasting   47-5031   683
Ore mixer   51-9023   865
Ore puncher (483) 53-7062 (609) 962
Ore roaster 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Ore sampler   51-9061   874
Ore smelter 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Ore storage drier 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Ore tester (2122) 19-4041 (038) 193
Ore trimmer (483) 53-7041 (609) 956
Ore washer   51-9012   864
Oreman   51-9199   896
Organ builder (3399) 51-2099 (398) 775
Organ fixer (8114) 49-9063 (888) 743
Organ grinder (711) 27-2099 (856) 276
Organ installer   49-9063   743
Organ tuner (8114) 49-9063 (888) 743
Organic chemist   19-2031   172
Organist   27-2042   275
Organizational psychologist   19-3032   182
Organizer 524 41-3021 699 481
Organizer 8132-8134, 81393 21-1099 917, 918 202
Organizer 6242 21-1099 Salvation Army 838 202
Oriental rug stretcher   53-7062   962
Orientation therapist for the blind   29-1129   324
Ornament stitcher 3162 51-6042 177 834
Ornament stitcher Exc. 3162 51-6031 Exc. 177 832
Ornamental iron erector (23) 47-2221 (077) 653
Ornamental ironworker (23) 47-2221 (077) 653
Ornamental metal worker 31-33 51-2041 107-118, 127-399, 647, 648 774
Ornamental metal worker Exc. 31-33 47-2221 Exc. 107-118, 127-399, 647, 648 653
Ornamental metalwork designer   27-1029   263
Ornamental painter   47-2141   642
Ornamental plasterer (23) 47-2161 (077) 646
Ornamenter   51-9195   892
Ornithologist   19-1023   161
Orthodontist (6212) 29-1023 (798) 301
Orthopedic brace maker   51-9082   876
Orthopedic cast specialist (622) 31-9092 (819) 365
Orthopedic designer (3391) 17-2031 (396) 134
Orthopedic podiatrist   29-1081   312
Orthopedic shoe fitter (44821) 41-2031 (518) 476
Orthopedic shoe maker 3162 51-6042 177 834
Orthopedic shoe maker Exc. 3162 51-6041 Exc. 177 833
Orthopedic surgeon (6211) 29-1067 (797) 306
Orthopedist (6211) 29-1069 (797) 306
Orthoptist   29-2099   353
Orthotic aide   31-9099   365
Orthotist   29-2091   353
Osteologist   19-1029   161
Osteopath   29-1069   306
Osteopathic physician (6211) 29-1069 (797) 306
Osteopathic resident (622) 29-1069 (819) 306
Otolaryngologist   29-1069   306
Otorhinolaryngologist (6211) 29-1069 (797) 306
Outboard motor tester   49-3051   724
Outfitter (3366) 49-9041 (368) 733
Outpatient admitting clerk (622) 43-4111 (819) 531
Outpatient clerk (622) 43-4171 (819) 540
Outreach and education social worker   21-1022   201
Outreach worker   21-1093   202
Outrider 711 39-2011 Racetrack 856 434
Outside cutter (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Outside laborer 21 47-5099 037-049 694
Outside machinist (3366) 49-9041 (368) 733
Outside rigger (3366) 49-9096 (368) 756
Outsider 337 51-9031 Furniture 389 871
Outsole caser (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Outsole cementer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Outsole compressor (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Outsole flexer (3162) 53-7063 (177) 963
Outsole handler (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Outsole rounder (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Outsole splicer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Oven baker 327 51-9051 247-259 873
Oven builder   47-2021   622
Oven dauber   51-9199 Coke 267 896
Oven dumper (3118) 51-3011 (127) 780
Oven heater 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Oven laborer   51-9199 Coke 267 896
Oven loader (3118) 53-7062 (127) 962
Oven operator 3118, 3122 51-3091 127, 139 783
Oven operator Exc. 3118, 3122 51-4051 Exc. 127, 139 804
Oven tender 3118, 3122 51-3091 127, 139 783
Oven tender Exc. 3118, 3122 51-4051 Exc. 127, 139 804
Oven worker 3118, 3122 51-3091 127, 139 783
Oven worker Exc. 3118, 3122 51-4051 Exc. 127, 139 804
Over the road driver (484) 53-3032 (617) 913
Overcaster 3162 51-6042 177 834
Overcaster Exc. 3162 51-6031 Exc. 177 832
Overcoil stepper   51-2099 (339) 775
Overcoiler   51-2099 (339) 775
Overedge machine operator 3162 51-6042 177 834
Overedge machine operator Exc. 3162 51-6031 Exc. 177 832
Overedge sewer   51-6031   832
Overedger 3162 51-6042 177 834
Overedger Exc. 3162 51-6031 Exc. 177 832
Overhauler \ n.s. 3116 49-9098 118 761
Overhauler \ n.s. 3332, 3334, 3339 49-9041 319 733
Overhauler \ n.s. \ Any not listed 49-3023 \ Any not listed 720
Overhauler, auto   49-3023   720
Overhauler, bus, truck   49-3031   721
Overhauler, const. equipment   49-3042   722
Overhauler, loom   49-9041   733
Overhauler, machine   49-9041   733
Overhead cleaner maintainer   49-9043   735
Overhead crane operator   53-7021   951
Overhead garage door hanger (23) 47-2031 (077) 623
Overhead line worker   49-9051   741
Overhead worker (5121) 47-2111 (657) 635
Overlock machine operator   51-6031   832
Overlock operator 3162 51-6042 177 834
Overlock operator Exc. 3162 51-6031 Exc. 177 832
Overlock sewing machine operator   51-6031   832
Overlocker 3162 51-6042 177 834
Overlocker Exc. 3162 51-6031 Exc. 177 832
Overlooker   45-1011   600
Overseamer 3162 51-6042 177 834
Overseamer Exc. 3162 51-6031 Exc. 177 832
Owner 44611 29-1051 507 305
Owner 5411 23-1011 727 210
Owner 62441 39-9011 847 460
Owner 722 11-9051 868 031
Owner 8123 51-1011 907 770
Owner 8122 11-9061 908 032
Owner 484 53-3032 617 913
Owner 311811, 44-45 exc. 44611, 45439 41-1011 119, 467-499, 508-568, 579 470
Owner 51412, 61 11-9039 677, 786-789 023
Owner 521-5223 11-3031 687-689 012
Owner 524, 5419, 8129 11-9199 699, 749, 909 043
Owner 531 11-9141 707 041
Owner 6242, 813 11-9151 838, 916-919 042
Owner 812111 39-1021 Barbershop 897 432
Owner 812112 39-1021 Beauty shop 898 432
Owner 8113 49-9099 Blacksmith shop 887 762
Owner 81143 39-9099 Bootblack stand 889 465
Owner 5616 33-1099 Detective agency 768 373
Owner Farm or ranch OBI 111, 112, 115 11-9011 Farm or ranch OBI 017, 018, 029 020
Owner Farm or ranch OBNI 111, 112, 115 11-9012 Farm or ranch OBNI 017, 018, 029 021
Owner Greenhouse or nursery OBI 111 11-9011 Greenhouse or nursery OBI 017 020
Owner Greenhouse or nursery OBNI 111 11-9012 Greenhouse or nursery OBNI 017 021
Owner 56173 37-1012 Landscape service 777 421
Owner 45439 41-9091 569 495
Owner 81143 51-6041 Shoe repair shop 889 833
Owner 4853 53-3041 Taxicab 619 914
Owner 56173 37-1012 Tree service 777 421
Owner 721 11-9081 866, 867 034
Owner 42, 532, 533 41-1012 407-459, 708-719 471
Owner 71395 39-1021 858 432
Owner, bartender (7224) 35-3011 (869) 404
Owner, pilot (481) 53-2012 (607) 903
Oxidation operator   51-9011   864
Oxide furnace tender   51-9051   873
Oxidizer   51-9123   881
Oxyacetylene burner   51-4121   814
Oxyacetylene cutter   51-4121   814
Oxyacetylene torch operator   51-4121   814
Oxyacetylene welder   51-4121   814
Oxygen equipment aide (622) 31-9093 (819) 365
Oxygen furnace operator 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Oxygen furnace operator   51-9051   873
Oxygen plant operator   51-9011   864
Oxygen system tester   51-9061 (358) 874
Oxygen tank filler   51-9111 (229) 880
Oxygen therapist   29-1126   322
Oxygraph operator   51-4122   814
Oxyhydrogen welder   51-4121   814
Oyster buyer OWN 4224 13-1021 OWN 447 051
Oyster culler (114) 45-3011 (028) 610
Oyster cultivator (114) 11-9011 (028) 020
Oyster dredger (114) 45-3011 (028) 610
Oyster farmer (114) 11-9011 (028) 020
Oyster fisherman (114) 45-3011 (028) 610
Oyster floater (114) 45-3011 (028) 610
Oyster grader   45-2041 (128) 604
Oyster grower (114) 11-9011 (028) 020
Oyster harvester (114) 45-3011 (028) 610
Oyster opener   51-3022   781
Oyster picker 114 45-3011 028 610
Oyster picker Exc. 114 45-2041 Exc. 028 604
Oyster planter (114) 45-3011 (028) 610
Oyster preparer (722) 35-3021 (868) 405
Oyster shipper (4224) 13-1021 (447) 051
Oyster shucker   51-3022   781
Oyster sorter   45-2041   604
Oyster tonger (114) 45-3011 (028) 610
Oyster washer   51-9192 (128) 886
Oysterman (114) 45-3011 (028) 610


Contact the Demographic Call Center Staff at 301-763-2422 or 1-866-758-1060 (toll free) or visit ask.census.gov for further information.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
Last Revised: December 21, 2005