U.S. Census Bureau
 Industry and Occupation

Census 2000 Alphabetical Index of Industries
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Self employed, with occ.
Quarry (ext.) 047 212399
Quarry tile clay (mfg.) 248 327122
Quarrying machinery and equipment (whsl.) 427 421810
Quarters, shoe cut stock (mfg.) 179 316999
Quartz (ext.) 047 212399
Quartz crystal (ext.) 047 212399
Quartz crystals, radio (mfg.) 339 334419
Quartz ground (mfg.) 259 327992
Quartz mill (mfg.) 259 327999
Quartz mill, gold (ext.) 039 212221
Quartzite (ext.) 047 212319
Quick freeze fruits or vegetables (mfg.) 109 311421
Quick freeze meat, poultry or game (mfg.) 118 311612
Quick freeze plant and storage 639 493120
Quick freeze plant, meat (mfg.) 118 311612
Quick freeze seafood (mfg.) 128 311712
Quick frozen chicken (mfg.) 118 311615
Quick frozen fish or shellfish (mfg.) 128 311712
Quick frozen fruits (mfg.) 109 311411
Quick frozen game (mfg.) 118 311615
Quick frozen meats (mfg.) 118 311611
Quick frozen poultry (mfg.) 118 311615
Quick frozen seafoods (mfg.) 128 311712
Quick frozen vegetables (mfg.) 109 311411
Quick lube shops 877 811191
Quick printing (mfg.) 199 323114
Quicklime (mfg.) 257 327410
Quicksilver (ext.) 039 212299
Quilt filling (mfg.) 159 314129
Quilt padding (mfg.) 159 314999
Quilted cloth (mfg.) 167 313249
Quilted fabrics (mfg.) 167 313249
Quilting for the trade (mfg.) 167 315191
Quilts (mfg.) 167 313249
Quilts made at home 167 313249
Quinine (mfg.) 219 325411
Quit smoking clinic 909 812990
Quotation service 697 523999

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Self employed, with occ.

Contact the Demographic Call Center Staff at 301-763-2422 or 1-866-758-1060 (toll free) or visit ask.census.gov for further information.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
Last Revised: December 21, 2005