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[EnglishLanguage 3113] Re: New free Web site for immigrants to learn English

Miriam Burt

mburt at
Wed Nov 12 09:39:05 EST 2008

Hello, everyone:
Shortly, there will be another posting (or maybe it will precede this
one, I'm not sure about the order of postings) - the new one from Talia
Kowitt - about the learner Web site announced below. I'm posting the
additional message because it offers a little more information about the
Web site and because all the info is contained in the body of the email;
this should help any of you who have difficulties with reading

Miriam Burt
Moderator, Adult English Language Learners Electronic Discussion list,
mburt at


From: englishlanguage-bounces at
[mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On Behalf Of Miriam Burt
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 4:35 PM
To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List
Subject: [EnglishLanguage 3107] New free Web site for immigrants
to learnEnglish

Hello, everyone.

Attached is a special edition of OVAE's Thursday Notes. It
contains one article; the article is about a new learner Web site for
immigrants to learn and practice English. If you want to take a look at
it, you can go through the introduction without registering (I did).

Miriam Burt
Moderator, NIFL LINCs Electronic Discussion List on Adult Englhs
Language Learners
mburt at

P.S. Any more suggestions from anyone on targeted discussion
topics for the list? Thanks.

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