U.S. Census Bureau
 Industry and Occupation

Census 2000 Alphabetical Index of Industries
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Self employed, with occ.
U-Haul 708 532120
U-drive-it co. 708 532120
U.S. A.S.C.S (Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service) 957 926140
U.S. Academy of Sciences 746 5417
U.S. Accounts, Bureau of 938 921130
U.S. Administration on Aging 948 923130
U.S. Aeronautics and Space Administration 957 927110
U.S. Agency on Aging 917 813311
U.S. Agricultural Extension Service 957 926140
U.S. Agricultural Research Service 957 926140
U.S. Agriculture Department of \ any not listed 957 926140
U.S. Agriculture Department of, Forest Service 019 113210
U.S. Agriculture Department of, Graduate School 787 611310
U.S. Air Force (Active duty personnel--No civilian employees) 968 928110
U.S. Air Force Academy 787 611310
U.S. Air Force Base Exchange (ret.) 539 452990
U.S. Air Force Medical Service 959 928110
U.S. Air Force Officers Mess (ret.) 868 722212
U.S. Air Force base, including laundry 959 928110
U.S. Air Force exchange service (ret.) 539 452990
U.S. Air Force hospital 819 622110
U.S. Air Force, Department of the 959 928110
U.S. Alaska Railroad 608 482111
U.S. Alaska Road Commission (const.) 077 234110
U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division 938 921130
U.S. American Battle Monuments Commission 948 923140
U.S. Ames Research Center 746 541710
U.S. Apprenticeship and Training, Bureau of 948 923110
U.S. Architecture, Bureau of 939 921190
U.S. Archives 939 921190
U.S. Armed Forces Staff College 787 611310
U.S. Armed Forces \ n.s.--Active duty personnel only, no civilian employees 979 928110
U.S. Armed Forces of Foreign Countries 959 928110
U.S. Army (Active duty personnel--No civilian employees) 967 928110
U.S. Army Aeronautical Main Depot 959 928110
U.S. Army Chemical Center 959 928110
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (const.) 077 233
U.S. Army Finance Center 959 928110
U.S. Army Materiel Command 959 928110
U.S. Army Medical Library 959 928110
U.S. Army Medical Service 959 928110
U.S. Army Officers Mess (ret.) 868 722212
U.S. Army Ordnance Department 959 928110
U.S. Army Post Exchange (ret.) 539 452990
U.S. Army Records Center 959 928110
U.S. Army Security Agency 959 928110
U.S. Army Topographic Command 959 928110
U.S. Army base laundry 959 928110
U.S. Army camp 959 928110
U.S. Army depot 959 928110
U.S. Army exchange service (ret.) 539 452990
U.S. Army hospital 819 622110
U.S. Army post 959 928110
U.S. Army recruiting station 959 928110
U.S. Army transport ship 609 48311
U.S. Army, Department of the 959 928110
U.S. Assay Office 729 541380
U.S. Assistance Payments Administration 948 923130
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 957 926130
U.S. Attorney General, Office of 947 922130
U.S. Aviation Administration, exc. Air Traffic Control 957 926120
U.S. B.X. (ret.) 539 452990
U.S. Bankruptcy Court 947 922110
U.S. Banks for Cooperatives 689 522291
U.S. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 938 921130
U.S. Bonneville Power Administration 057 221111
U.S. Bonneville Power Commission 057 221111
U.S. Botanic Garden Conservatory 857 712130
U.S. Botanic Garden Nursery 017 11142
U.S. Business and Defense Services Administration 959 928110
U.S. CPSC (Consumer Products Safety Commission) 957 926110
U.S. Capital Planning Commission 949 925120
U.S. Capitol 937 921120
U.S. Census, Bureau of the 957 926110
U.S. Center for Disease Control 948 923120
U.S. Center for Health Statistics 948 923120
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency 959 928110
U.S. Chamber of Commerce PR NON 919 813910
U.S. Child Support Enforcement, Office of 948 923130
U.S. Childrens Bureau Agency of H.H.S. 948 923120
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals 947 922110
U.S. Civil Rights Commission 939 921190
U.S. Civil Service Commission 939 921190
U.S. Coast Guard (Active duty personnel--No civilian employees) 978 928110
U.S. Coast Guard Academy 787 611310
U.S. Coast Guard station 957 926120
U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey 949 924110
U.S. Commerce, Department of 957 926110
U.S. Commercial Fisheries, Bureau of 949 924120
U.S. Commodity Credit Corporation 689 522298
U.S. Commodity Futures Exchange Trading Commission 957 926140
U.S. Communicable Disease Center 948 923120
U.S. Communications Commission 957 926130
U.S. Community Relations Service 949 925120
U.S. Comptroller of the Currency, Office of the 938 921130
U.S. Congress 937 921120
U.S. Congressional Library 677 514120
U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission 957 926110
U.S. Cooperative Loan Association PR NON 689 522294
U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress 677 514120
U.S. Corps of Engineers (const.) 729 541330
U.S. Court of Appeals 947 922110
U.S. Court of Claims 947 922110
U.S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals 947 922110
U.S. Court of Military Appeals 959 928110
U.S. Credit Union Administration 688 522130
U.S. Crop Insurance Corporation 699 524126
U.S. Crop Production Loan Office 689 522298
U.S. Currency Redemption Division 938 921130
U.S. Customs Court 947 922110
U.S. Customs Service 938 921130
U.S. Customs, Bureau of 938 921130
U.S. D.A. (Department of Agriculture) \ any not listed 957 926140
U.S. D.A. (Department of Agriculture), Forest Service 019 113210
U.S. D.A. (Department of Agriculture), Graduate School 787 611310
U.S. D.H.H.S. (Department of Health and Human Services) 948 923120
U.S. David Taylor Model Basin 746 541710
U.S. Defense Information School 787 611310
U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency 959 928110
U.S. Defense Language Institute 789 611630
U.S. Defense Mapping Agency 959 928110
U.S. Defense Supply Agency 959 928110
U.S. Defense, Civil Preparedness Agency 959 928110
U.S. Defense, Department of 959 928110
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 948 923140
U.S. Deposit Insurance Corporation 699 524128
U.S. District Attorney's Office 947 922130
U.S. District Court 947 922110
U.S. Division of Disbursement 938 921130
U.S. Division of Territories 949 925120
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration 947 922120
U.S. Dutch elm disease eradication 029 115310
U.S. E.R.D.A. (Energy Research and Development Administration) 746 541710
U.S. Economic Development Corp. 957 926110
U.S. Economic Opportunity, Office of 948 923130
U.S. Education, Department of 948 923110
U.S. Education, Office of 948 923110
U.S. Electronics Research Center 746 541710
U.S. Embassy 959 928120
U.S. Emergency Preparedness, Office of 939 921190
U.S. Employees Compensation, Bureau of 948 923130
U.S. Employment Security, Bureau of 948 923130
U.S. Employment Service 948 923130
U.S. Employment and Training Administration 948 923110
U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration 746 541710
U.S. Energy, Department of 957 926130
U.S. Engineers, Government Fleet (const.) 729 541330
U.S. Engraving and Printing, Bureau of (mfg.) 199 3231
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 949 924110
U.S. Environmental Science Services Administration 949 924110
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 948 923130
U.S. Executive Office of the President 937 921110
U.S. Export-Import Bank of Washington 689 522293
U.S. Export-Import Bank of the United States 689 522293
U.S. F.A.A. (Federal Aviation Administration) Air Traffic Control 629 488111
U.S. F.A.A. (Federal Aviation Administration), exc. air traffic control 957 926120
U.S. F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of Investigation) 947 922120
U.S. F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) 699 524128
U.S. F.E.M.A. (Federal Emergency Management Agency) 947 922190
U.S. F.H.A. (Federal Housing Administration) Agency of HUD 689 522294
U.S. Family Services, Bureau of 837 624190
U.S. Farm Credit Administration 689 522298
U.S. Farm Service Agency 957 926140
U.S. Farmers Home Administration 689 522294
U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 699 524128
U.S. Federal Housing Administration 689 522294
U.S. Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board 697 525110
U.S. Fine Arts Commission 939 921190
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 949 924120
U.S. Flight Research Center 746 541710
U.S. FmHA (Farmers Home Administration) 689 522294
U.S. Food and Drug Administration 948 923120
U.S. Foreign Government 959 928120
U.S. Foreign Service 959 928120
U.S. Foreign Service Institute 789 611630
U.S. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture 019 113210
U.S. G.P.O. (Government Printing Office) (mfg.) 199 323117
U.S. Game Warden 949 924120
U.S. General Accounting Office 939 921190
U.S. General Services Administration 939 921190
U.S. Geological Survey 949 924120
U.S. Goddard Space Flight Center 957 927110
U.S. Gold Depository 938 921130
U.S. Government Printing Office (mfg.) 199 323117
U.S. Government Printing Office, bookstore (ret.) 537 451211
U.S. Graduate School, Department of Agriculture 787 611310
U.S. Guard Bureau 947 922120
U.S. H.I.P. and Winterization 949 925120
U.S. Harry Diamond Laboratory 746 541710
U.S. Health and Human Services, Department of 948 923120
U.S. Health, Education and Welfare, Department of 948 923120
U.S. Highway Administration 957 926120
U.S. Home Improvement Program and Winterization 949 925120
U.S. Home Loan Bank Board 687 522110
U.S. Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 689 522294
U.S. House of Representatives 937 921120
U.S. Housing Administration 949 925110
U.S. Housing Authority GOV 707 531110
U.S. Housing and Urban Development, Department of 949 925110
U.S. I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service) 938 921130
U.S. Immigration Service 959 928120
U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service 959 928120
U.S. Income Tax Division 938 921130
U.S. Indian Affairs, Bureau of \ n.s. 948 923130
U.S. Indian Affairs, Bureau of, hospital 819 622110
U.S. Indian Affairs, Bureau of, schools 786 611110
U.S. Indian hospital 819 622110
U.S. Indian school 786 611110
U.S. Industrial College of the Armed Forces 787 611310
U.S. Information Agency 959 928110
U.S. Information Service 959 928110
U.S. Interior, Department of the 949 924120
U.S. Intermediate Credit Bank 689 522298
U.S. Internal Revenue Service 938 921130
U.S. International Boundary Commission 959 928120
U.S. International Commerce, Bureau of 959 928120
U.S. International Development, Agency for 959 928120
U.S. International Labor Affairs, Bureau of 959 928120
U.S. International Trade, Office of 959 928120
U.S. Investigation, Bureau of 947 922120
U.S. Jet Propulsion Laboratory 746 541710
U.S. Johnson, Lyndon B. Space Center 957 927110
U.S. Justice, Department of 947 922120
U.S. Kennedy, John F. Space Center 957 927110
U.S. Labor Relations Board 957 926150
U.S. Labor Standards, Bureau of 957 926150
U.S. Labor Statistics, Bureau of 957 926110
U.S. Labor, Department of 957 926110
U.S. Land Bank 689 522292
U.S. Land Management, Bureau of 949 924120
U.S. Langley Research Center 746 541710
U.S. Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) 947 922120
U.S. Lawrence Radiation Laboratory 746 541710
U.S. Library of Congress 677 514120
U.S. Lifesaving Service 957 926120
U.S. Management and Budget, Office of 938 921130
U.S. Manned Spacecraft Center 957 927110
U.S. Marine Corps 959 928110
U.S. Marine Corps (Active duty personnel--No civilian employees) 977 928110
U.S. Marine hospital 819 622110
U.S. Maritime Commission 959 928110
U.S. Marshall Service 947 922120
U.S. Marshall, George C. Space Flight Center 957 927110
U.S. Mediation Board 957 926150
U.S. Mediation and Conciliation Service 957 926150
U.S. Medical Center 819 622110
U.S. Medicare 699 524114
U.S. Medicine and Surgery, Bureau of 948 923120
U.S. Merchant Marine 609 48311
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy 787 611310
U.S. Military Academy 787 611310
U.S. Military Proving Ground 959 928110
U.S. Military Reserves (active duty) 987 928110
U.S. Military Reserves (exc. active duty) 959 928110
U.S. Military Sea Lift Command 609 48311
U.S. Military Sea Transportation Service 609 483112
U.S. Mines, Bureau of 949 924120
U.S. Mint, Bureau of the 398 339911
U.S. Mission to the United Nations 959 928120
U.S. Mortgage Association 689 522294
U.S. Motor Carrier Safety, Bureau of 947 922120
U.S. N.A.S.A., (National Aeronautics and Space Agency) 957 927110
U.S. N.A.S.A., Johnson Space Center 957 927110
U.S. NCO Club, administration 917 813410
U.S. NCO Club, bar and restaurant (ret.) 868 722110
U.S. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) 949 924110
U.S. NSA (National Security Agency) 959 928110
U.S. Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Bureau of 947 922120
U.S. National Endowment of the Arts 957 926110
U.S. National Guard (active duty) 987 928110
U.S. National Guard, exc. active duty 959 928110
U.S. National Institutes of Health \ n.s. 948 923120
U.S. National Institutes of Health, hospital 819 622110
U.S. National Institutes of Health, medical research 746 541710
U.S. National Marine Fisheries 949 924120
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 949 924110
U.S. National Science Foundation 746 5417
U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) 959 928110
U.S. National Summer Youth Sports Program 949 924120
U.S. National Weather Service 949 924120
U.S. Naval Academy 787 611310
U.S. Naval Air Development Center 746 541710
U.S. Naval Air Rework Facility 959 928110
U.S. Naval Air Station 959 928110
U.S. Naval Applied Science Laboratory 746 541710
U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory 746 541710
U.S. Naval Electronic Laboratory 746 541710
U.S. Naval Engineering Experiment Station 746 541710
U.S. Naval Material Command 959 928110
U.S. Naval Medical Center 819 622110
U.S. Naval Mine Defense Laboratory 746 541710
U.S. Naval Observatory 959 928110
U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office 746 541710
U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory 746 541710
U.S. Naval Personnel, Bureau of 959 928110
U.S. Naval Post Graduate School 787 611310
U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory 746 541710
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory 746 541710
U.S. Naval Research, Office of 959 928110
U.S. Naval Ship Research and Development Center 746 541710
U.S. Naval Training Station 959 928110
U.S. Naval Underwater Sound Laboratory 746 541710
U.S. Naval Underwater Warfare Center 746 541710
U.S. Naval Underwater Weapons Research and Engineering Center 746 541710
U.S. Naval Weapons Laboratory 746 541710
U.S. Naval ammunition depot 959 928110
U.S. Naval ammunition plant (mfg.) 297 332993
U.S. Naval amphibian base 959 928110
U.S. Naval arsenal (mfg.) 297 332995
U.S. Naval dispensary 809 621498
U.S. Naval excess vessel harbor 959 928110
U.S. Naval hospital 819 622110
U.S. Naval inactive fleet 959 928110
U.S. Naval magazine 959 928110
U.S. Naval ordnance (mfg.) 297 332995
U.S. Naval ordnance \ n.s. 297 332995
U.S. Naval ordnance testing chambers (mfg.) 319 333298
U.S. Naval powder factory (mfg.) 229 325920
U.S. Naval proving grounds 959 928110
U.S. Naval radio station 959 928110
U.S. Naval refueling depot 959 928110
U.S. Naval shipyard (mfg.) 368 336611
U.S. Naval station 959 928110
U.S. Naval supply center 959 928110
U.S. Naval supply depot 959 928110
U.S. Naval transport 609 48311
U.S. Navy (Active duty personnel--No civilian employees) 969 928110
U.S. Navy Base Exchange (ret.) 539 452990
U.S. Navy Department 959 928110
U.S. Navy Resale Systems Office (ret.) 549 453310
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 957 926130
U.S. O.S.H.A. (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) 957 926150
U.S. OPM (Office of Personnel Management) 939 921190
U.S. Ocean Survey 949 924110
U.S. Officers' Club, exc. residential 917 813410
U.S. Officers' Club, residential 867 721310
U.S. Officers' Training School 959 928110
U.S. Old-Age and Survivors' Insurance, Bureau of 948 923130
U.S. P.X. (ret.) 539 452990
U.S. Panama Canal 609 483212
U.S. Park Police 947 922120
U.S. Park Service 949 924120
U.S. Parole Board 947 922150
U.S. Passport Office 959 928120
U.S. Patent Office 719 533110
U.S. Peace Corps 959 928120
U.S. Penitentiary 947 922140
U.S. Personnel Management, Office of (OPM) 939 921190
U.S. Port of Embarkation 957 926120
U.S. Post Engineers (const.) 729 541330
U.S. Post Office 637 491110
U.S. Post Office Department 637 491110
U.S. Postal Data Center 637 491110
U.S. Postal Service GOV 637 491110
U.S. Power Commission 957 926130
U.S. President's Council on Physical Fitness 939 921190
U.S. Prison Industries Inc. 947 922140
U.S. Prisons, Bureau of 947 922140
U.S. Procurement Division 939 921190
U.S. Procurement and Fiscal Office 939 921190
U.S. Production Credit Association 689 522298
U.S. Production Credit Corporation 689 522298
U.S. Proving grounds 959 928110
U.S. Public Buildings Service 939 921190
U.S. Public Debt, Bureau of the 938 921130
U.S. Public Health Service \ n.s. 948 923120
U.S. Public Health Service, hospital 819 622110
U.S. Public Roads, Bureau of 957 926120
U.S. Quartermaster Corps 959 928110
U.S. Railroad Adjustment Board 957 926120
U.S. Railroad Retirement Board 938 921130
U.S. Reclamation, Bureau of, construction activities 077 234990
U.S. Reclamation, Bureau of, exc. construction activities 949 924120
U.S. Record Center, Office of 939 921190
U.S. Rehabilitation Services Administration 948 923130
U.S. Renegotiation Board 959 928110
U.S. Renewal Assistance Administration 948 923130
U.S. Research Council 746 541710
U.S. Reserve Bank GOV 687 521110
U.S. Reserve Board, exc. banks 938 921130
U.S. Reserves, military (active duty) 987 928110
U.S. Reserves, military (exc. active duty) 959 928110
U.S. Resolution Trust Corp. 697 523991
U.S. Revenue Department 938 921130
U.S. Rural Electrification Administration 949 925120
U.S. Saint Lawrence Seaway 629 488310
U.S. Saving and Loan Insurance Corporation 699 524128
U.S. Savings Bond Division 938 921130
U.S. Savings and Loan Association PR 688 522120
U.S. Secret Service 947 922120
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 957 926150
U.S. Security Agency 959 928110
U.S. Selective Service Board 959 928110
U.S. Selective Service System 939 921190
U.S. Senate 937 921120
U.S. Ships Service Store (ret.) 539 452990
U.S. Silver Depository 938 921130
U.S. Small Business Administration 957 926110
U.S. Smithsonian Institution 857 712110
U.S. Social Security Administration 948 923130
U.S. Soil Conservation Service 949 924120
U.S. Soldiers' Home 829 623312
U.S. Soldiers' Home hospital 819 622110
U.S. Solicitor General, Office of 947 922130
U.S. Southwestern Power Admin 057 221111
U.S. Standards, Bureau of 957 926150
U.S. State, Department of 959 928120
U.S. Supply Service 939 921190
U.S. Supreme Court 947 922110
U.S. Tariff Commission 938 921130
U.S. Tax Court 947 922110
U.S. Taylor, David, Model Basin 746 541710
U.S. Trade Commission 957 926110
U.S. Training School for Boys 829 623990
U.S. Training and Employment Administration 948 923110
U.S. Transportation, Department of 957 926120
U.S. Treasury, Department of the 938 921130
U.S. V.A. Hospital 819 622110
U.S. Veterans Affairs, Department of 948 923140
U.S. Veterans Reemployment Rights, Office of 948 923140
U.S. Victims of Crime, Office for 947 922190
U.S. Visa Office 959 928120
U.S. Vital Statistics, Office of 948 923110
U.S. Vocational Rehabilitation Administration 948 923130
U.S. Voice of America 959 928110
U.S. Wage and Hour Division 957 926150
U.S. Wallops Station 746 541710
U.S. War College 787 611310
U.S. Water Commission 949 924110
U.S. Water Pollution Control Administration 949 924110
U.S. Weather Service 949 924120
U.S. Welfare Administration 948 923130
U.S. White House Office 937 921110
U.S. Women's Bureau 948 923130
U.S. Zoological Park 857 712130
U.S. \ n.s.--Occupation not listed or n.s. 937 9211
U.S. agency \ n.s.--Occupation not listed or n.s. 937 920
U.S. agricultural experimental farm or station 746 541710
U.S. ammunition depot 959 928110
U.S. armory 959 928110
U.S. base exchange (ret.) 539 452990
U.S. base hospital 819 622110
U.S. blister rust control 029 115310
U.S. border patrol 947 922120
U.S. cafeteria (ret.) 868 722212
U.S. canteen (ret.) 868 722213
U.S. cemetery 908 812220
U.S. commissary (ret.) 497 445110
U.S. consulates 959 928120
U.S. correctional institution 947 922140
U.S. court, exc. military 947 922110
U.S. court, military 959 928110
U.S. courthouse, court activities 947 922110
U.S. credit union PR NON 688 522130
U.S. crop loans 689 522298
U.S. customhouse 938 921130
U.S. defense depot 959 928110
U.S. diplomatic services 959 928120
U.S. disciplinary barracks 959 928110
U.S. dispensary 818 621999
U.S. dormitory, exc. school 867 721310
U.S. economic development assistance, international 959 928120
U.S. fleet storage 959 928110
U.S. foreign missions 959 928120
U.S. fort 959 928110
U.S. fuel yard 959 928110
U.S. garage 939 921190
U.S. gun arsenal (mfg.) 297 332995
U.S. gypsy moth control 029 115310
U.S. hospital 819 622110
U.S. industrial school 829 623990
U.S. lighthouse 629 488310
U.S. lock 629 488330
U.S. mail route 637 491110
U.S. mail service 637 491110
U.S. mail transport service 637 491110
U.S. military base 959 928110
U.S. military base \ n.s. 959 928110
U.S. military base laundry 907 8123
U.S. military establishment 959 928110
U.S. military hospital 819 622110
U.S. missile proving grounds 959 928110
U.S. moth ball fleet 959 928110
U.S. museum 857 712110
U.S. ordnance depot 959 928110
U.S. ordnance plant (mfg.) 297 332995
U.S. post exchange (ret.) 539 452990
U.S. postal transport service 637 491110
U.S. prison 947 922140
U.S. probation office 947 922150
U.S. quarantine station 948 923120
U.S. quartermaster laundry 907 8123
U.S. reconsignment depot 939 921190
U.S. recruiting station 959 928110
U.S. reformatory 947 922140
U.S. residence hall 867 721310
U.S. torpedo (mfg.) 297 332993
U.S. veterans center 819 622110
U.S. veterans domiciliary center 827 623110
U.S. veterans home 829 623312
U.S. veterans hospital 819 622110
U.S. volunteer fire department 947 922160
U.S. wildlife refuge 028 114210
U.S.O. (United Service Organization) 917 813410
Uintaite (ext.) 047 212399
Uintaite (mfg.) 259 327999
Ukulele parts (mfg.) 398 339992
Ukuleles (mfg.) 398 339992
Ulexite (ext.) 047 212391
Ultra-violet lamp fixtures (mfg.) 349 335129
Ultra-violet lamps (mfg.) 349 335129
Ultra-violet sensors, solid state (mfg.) 339 334413
Ultrasonic cleaning equipment, exc. medical and dental (mfg.) 349 335999
Ultrasonic cleaning equipment, medical and dental (mfg.) 396 339113
Ultrasonic medical equipment, exc. cleaning (mfg.) 338 334510
Ultrasonic scanning devices, medical (mfg.) 338 334510
Ultrasonic testing equipment (mfg.) 338 334519
Ultrasound imaging center 818 621512
Umber (ext.) 047 212393
Umbrella cases (mfg.) 398 339999
Umbrella cloth, cotton (mfg.) 148 313210
Umbrella frames (mfg.) 298 332999
Umbrella handles (mfg.) 298 332999
Umbrella trimmings (mfg.) 398 339999
Umbrellas (mfg.) 398 339999
Umbrellas (ret.) 517 448150
Uncured hides (mfg.) 118 311611
Undercoating cars 877 811198
Undercoatings, paint (mfg.) 227 325510
Underground scraper loaders (mfg.) 308 333131
Underground shuttle cars (mfg.) 308 333131
Underground storage of records 639 493110
Underground utilities (const.) 077 235940
Underpinning work (const.) 077 235710
Undertakers 908 812210
Undertakers' couches (mfg.) 389 337127
Undertakers' equipment (whsl.) 427 421850
Undertakers' supplies (whsl.) 427 421850
Undertaking establishment 908 812210
Undertaking parlor 908 812210
Underwater goggles (mfg.) 396 339115
Underwater rock removal (const.) 077 234990
Underwater sound equipment (mfg.) 338 334511
Underwater timber removal (const.) 077 234990
Underwear (whsl.) 439 4223
Underwear fabric, cotton (mfg.) 148 313210
Underwear, exc. knit (mfg.) 168 3152
Underwear, knit (mfg.) 167 315192
Underwriter rating bureau 699 524298
Underwriter, insurance 699 524298
Underwriters' laboratory 699 524298
Underwriters, security 697 523110
Undocking of ocean vessels 629 488330
Unified school district 786 611110
Uniform hats and caps (mfg.) 168 31521
Uniform rental 907 81233
Uniform shirts (mfg.) 168 3152
Uniform supply service 907 81233
Uniform, athletic (ret.) 527 451110
Uniforms (mfg.) 168 3152
Uniforms (ret.) 517 448190
Union \ n.s. 918 813930
Union benefit funds 697 525120
Union buttons (mfg.) 398 339999
Union hall hiring occupation construction trades 077 230
Union hall hiring occupation longshoremen or stevedore 629 488320
Union hall, exc. hiring hall 918 813930
Union health funds 697 525120
Union organization 918 813930
Union station, railroad 629 488210
Union suits (mfg.) 167 315192
Union trust funds 697 525120
Union welfare funds 697 525120
Unisex clothing (ret.) 517 448140
Unisex hairdressers 898 812112
United Charities fund raising, exc. on fee basis 917 813219
United Charities fund raising, on fee basis 759 561499
United Givers Fund 917 813219
United Good Neighborhood Fund 917 813219
United Nations 959 928120
United Nations World Health Organization 959 928120
United Neighborhood Houses 838 624229
United Parcel Service 638 492110
United Press Service 678 514110
United funds for colleges 917 813219
Universal joints, auto (mfg.) 357 336350
Universal joints, exc. auto (mfg.) 318 333613
Universal news service 678 514110
Universities 787 611310
Unloading freight service 629 488320
Unloading ships 629 488320
Unsweetened chocolate (mfg.) 108 311320
Upholstered furniture (mfg.) 389 337121
Upholsterers' equipment and supplies (whsl.) 427 421850
Upholstery cleaning on owner's premises 769 561740
Upholstery fabrics (mfg.) 148 313210
Upholstery fabrics (whsl.) 439 422310
Upholstery filling (mfg.) 159 314999
Upholstery materials (ret.) 528 451130
Upholstery shop (ret.) 528 451130
Upholstery, leather (mfg.) 179 316110
Upper, leather (mfg.) 179 316110
Uppers, shoe cut stock (mfg.) 179 316999
Upset forgings, iron and steel (mfg.) 278 332111
Uranite (ext.) 039 212291
Uranium ore (ext.) 039 212291
Urban League 837 624190
Urban and suburban railway operation 618 485112
Urban mortgage co. 689 522292
Urban planning or urban renewal PR 729 541320
Urban planning service 729 541320
Urea (mfg.) 218 325311
Urgent medical care center, exc. hospital 809 621493
Urinals, china (mfg.) 247 327111
Urinals, exc. rubber and china (mfg.) 298 332998
Urinals, rubber (mfg.) 239 326299
Urns, electric (mfg.) 347 335211
Urns, exc. electric (mfg.) 259 327999
Urologist's office 797 621111
Used automotive parts stores (ret.) 469 441310
Used car auction (whsl.) 407 421110
Used car lot (ret.) 467 441120
Used containers (whsl.) 427 421840
Used merchandise stores (ret.) 549 453310
Used records (ret.) 549 453310
Used tire shop (ret.) 469 441320
Usher service 758 561320
Utensils, pressed and molded pulp (mfg.) 189 322299
Utility \ n.s. 069 220
Utility buildings, prefabricated, metal (mfg.) 287 332311
Utility gas co. 058 221210
Utility line tree trimming service 777 561730
Utility portable buildings, metal (mfg.) 287 332311
Utility trailer rental 708 532120
Utility, electrical 057 22111
Utility, power 057 22112

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Self employed, with occ.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
Last Revised: December 21, 2005