Expedition 12

Crew Profiles


Hamming It Up: Space to Kids Radio

ISS012-E-21181 - Bill McArthur talks on station ham radio.

It's pretty exciting to chat with folks who are traveling at 5 miles a second more than 200 miles above the Earth.

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Space Station Crew Back on Earth

Expedition 12

Commander Bill McArthur and Flight Engineer Valery Tokarev, the 12th crew of the International Space Station, landed in the steppes of Kazakhstan in their Soyuz spacecraft at 7:48 p.m. EDT Saturday af...

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Station Crew Undocks, Heads Back to Earth

Expedition 12 moments after undocking

Commander Bill McArthur and Flight Engineer Valery Tokarev, the 12th crew of the International Space Station, undocked in their Soyuz spacecraft from the orbiting laboratory at 4:28 p.m. EDT Saturday ...

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Station Crew Moves Soyuz Spacecraft

Soyuz undocking

The International Space Station crew rolled out a welcome mat for their successors early Monday, moving their Soyuz TMA spacecraft to clear a docking port for Expedition 13's arrival.

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Crew Back in Station After Second Spacewalk

Spacewalkers release the SuitSat

International Space Station crewmembers Valery Tokarev and Bill McArthur Friday completed a 5-hour, 43-minute spacewalk.

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