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        Anne K. Bingaman         Steven C. Sunshine
        Constance K. Robinson
        10th & Constitution Avenue, N.W.
        Washington, D.C. 20530
        (202) 514-2401

        John F. Greaney
        N. Scott Sacks
        Michael F. Bailey
        Reid B. Horwitz
        Kenneth W. Gaul
        Antitrust Division
        555 4th Street, N.W.
        Room 9901
        Washington, D.C. 20001
        (202) 307-6200

        Michael J. Yamaguchi
        United States Attorney
        450 Golden Gate Avenue
        Box 36055
        San Francisco, CA 94102
        (415) 556-1126

        Attorneys for Plaintiff United States of America

                       UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT



Washington corporation, and
INTUIT INC., a Delaware

) No. ___________
) (Antitrust)

             The United States of America, acting under the direction of the Attorney General, brings
        this civil action pursuant to Section 15 of the Clayton Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. § 25, to obtain
        equitable and other relief to prevent a violation of Section 7 of the Clayton Act, as amended, 15
        U.S.C. § 18, and alleges:
                            Nature of the Action
1              .  The United States brings this antitrust action to prevent the proposed acquisition
        by Microsoft Corporation, the world's largest and most powerful personal computer software
        company, of Intuit, Inc., the dominant producer of Personal Finance/Checkbook
        ("PF/Checkbook") software. Microsoft is Intuit's most significant competitor. The proposed
        acquisition would eliminate competition between Microsoft and Intuit, which has benefitted
        consumers by leading to high quality, innovative products at low prices.
2              .  The PF/Checkbook Software Market is highly concentrated, with Intuit's
        "Quicken" product commanding a 1994 unit sales share of 69% and a total installed base of more
        than seven million customers. Microsoft's PF/Checkbook product, "Microsoft Money," was
        introduced in 1991, and the resulting competition led to lower prices and increased innovation.
        Microsoft is now the number two competitor in the PF/Checkbook Software Market, with a 1994
        unit sales market share of about 22%, and an installed user base of about one million customers.
        Absent the acquisition, Microsoft Money would likely continue to compete successfully because
        (a) Microsoft already has devoted substantial resources to the Money product, which it would
        increase even more substantially in the future, and (b) the PF/Checkbook Software Market, for
        the reasons explained below, is strategically important to Microsoft.
1              .  The effects of this proposed acquisition could reach well beyond today's
        PF/Checkbook Software Market. The acquisition threatens harm to consumers in other
        important areas of commerce, especially the area of personal computer based ("PC-based") home

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        banking, which is a relatively tiny part of the PF/Checkbook Software Market today. Before the
        acquisition, Microsoft and Intuit had independent plans to compete in the field of electronic
        commerce, starting with enhancement of their PF/Checkbook software products to enter the
        emerging home banking marketplace. Established PF/Checkbook software products provide an
        important asset to develop home banking, in part because existing customers are likely
        candidates for PC-based home banking. The special competitive significance to Microsoft and
        Intuit of dominating the present PF/Checkbook Software Market as a strategic "cornerstone"
        asset in that emerging business (and the likely effect of the proposed acquisition) were
        recognized by Intuit's Chairman, who wrote in a September 1994 memorandum to his board
        about the proposed acquisition of Intuit by "Godzilla" (Intuit's code name for Microsoft):
                Our future vision is both vulnerable to and would benefit from
                Godzilla's strengths. . . . Our combination gives FIs [Financial
                Institutions] one clear option, eliminating a bloody share war and
                speeding adoption. --That, in turn enriches the terms of trade we
                can negotiate with FIs.

                . . . .

                Vulnerability [of Intuit to Microsoft] is a key question.

                If we believe we are not overly vulnerable, then we believe we can
                succeed. Elimination of competition will enhance that success,
                perhaps greatly.

        (Emphasis supplied).

2              .  Microsoft's Manager, Business Development and Investments, reached a similar
        conclusion in an August 1994 analysis of the proposed acquisition.
                *  Slade [a Microsoft code name for Intuit] is the clear and
                dominant leader in PF software and the current installed base of
                users would likely prefer to stay with Quicken when they do
                electronic transactions. MS owns Windows and Marvel [a new
                Microsoft on-line network] and therefore is in a much better
                position to access many millions of users in the future with PF
                service options. Since neither company has both of these strengths,
                the banks, credit card associations and others are in a stronger
                position to play us off against each other. As a combination, we

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                would be dominant.

        (Emphasis supplied).

3              .  Microsoft has agreed to acquire Intuit for what, as of Monday, April 24, 1995
        would exceed $2 billion in Microsoft stock, more than twice Intuit's preannouncement market
        capitalization of $813 million. In an attempt to avoid an obvious antitrust challenge, Microsoft
        devised a planned "fix," whereby it has agreed simultaneously to transfer part (but not all) of
        Microsoft's Money business unit to a third party, Novell, Inc. The purported fix would fail to
        remedy the anticompetitive effects of the proposed Intuit transaction. Novell, with the assets it is
        supposed to receive from Microsoft, cannot be nearly as effective a competitor with Money as
        Microsoft is and would be absent the transaction.
4              .  If consummated, the proposed transaction, even accounting for the asset sale to
        Novell, likely would add to the dominance of the number one product (Quicken), would weaken
        greatly the number two product (Money), and would substantially increase concentration and
        substantially reduce competition in the PF/Checkbook Software Market. Because these products
        are a crucial springboard into other important, but emerging, areas of commerce, the effect on
        consumers would likely be higher prices and lessened innovation not only in PF/Checkbook
        software products but in other related products and services, such as PC-based home banking.
5              .  Accordingly, the proposed acquisition violates Section 7 of the Clayton Act, as
        amended, 15 U.S.C. § 18.
6              .    Microsoft sells Microsoft Money and Intuit sells Quicken in interstate
        commerce. Defendants' activities in developing, producing and selling Money and Quicken also
        substantially affect interstate commerce in other respects. The Court has jurisdiction of this
        action and jurisdiction over the parties pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 22 and 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and

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7              .  Both Microsoft and Intuit transact business in this District. Venue is proper in
        this District under 15 U.S.C. § 22 and 28 U.S.C. § 1391(c).
                              The Defendants
8              . Microsoft is a Washington corporation with its headquarters in Redmond,
        Washington. Microsoft's operating system software, particularly its Disk Operating System
        ("DOS") and its associated Windows product, are by far the dominant operating systems for Intel
        x86 architecture personal computers (sometimes also called "IBM-compatible" personal
        computers), which in turn is the dominant platform for personal computing. Microsoft also
        develops, markets and sells applications software, including applications software for use with
        DOS and Windows on IBM-compatible personal computers. Microsoft has announced that it
        will introduce "Windows 95" in August of this year. Windows 95 will be the next upgraded
        release of Microsoft's Windows operating system.
9              . Microsoft has a dominant position in operating systems for IBM-compatible
        personal computers. It also is the most powerful competitor in the world for many categories of
        applications software. Using its resources and operating system position, Microsoft has
        introduced new products to compete directly against, and has secured the leading position over,
        the previous leaders in the most significant business applications software categories for IBM-
        compatible personal computers, including spreadsheet software (Microsoft's Excel has overtaken
        Lotus 1-2-3), word processing software (Microsoft's Word has overtaken WordPerfect), and
        others. Intense competition against category leaders by the most powerful competitor in the
        industry has benefitted consumers by increasing the pace of innovation and accelerating the price
        decline of products in those categories. 1

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10              . In the field of consumer software for IBM-compatible personal computers,
        Microsoft also has competed vigorously and successfully. It has the leading applications in
        several categories, including a combined word processing/spreadsheet/database product
        (Microsoft Works), a low-end desktop publishing product (Microsoft Publisher), a CD-ROM
        encyclopedia (Microsoft Encarta) and others. As with business applications, Microsoft has
        directly challenged the leader in some categories (such as desktop publishing and CD-ROM
        encyclopedias), and has competed successfully to a leading position. Such competition has
        benefitted consumers through greater innovation and lower prices.
11              . Intuit is a Delaware corporation with its headquarters in Menlo Park, California.
        Intuit has concentrated its efforts on the development and sale of financial applications software.
         Intuit's Quicken is the leader in the PF/Checkbook Software Market by a substantial margin.         Intuit also owns the category leader in personal tax preparation software (Turbo Tax, a recently
        acquired product) and the co-leader in small business accounting software (Quickbooks).
                             Relevant Product Market
12              . Some 30% of households in the United States now have a home personal
        computer (a "home PC"). The vast majority of home PCs now being sold are IBM-compatible
        personal computers. All IBM-compatible personal computers can run Microsoft's DOS or
        Windows operating systems, and an overwhelming majority (well in excess of 80%) now are
        being sold with a Microsoft operating system. Because applications are written to work with
        specific operating systems, applications programs for IBM-compatible personal computers must,
        as a practical matter, be written to run on Windows or, to a lesser, waning extent, on DOS
        without Windows.
13              . One important application for home PCs is PF/Checkbook software. Intuit's
        Quicken product was the number one selling home PC software product in 1994, topping all
        others, including even the most popular entertainment programs. PF/Checkbook software is

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        designed to give the home PC user electronic control over an integrated set of personal finance
        records and transactions. Currently, the core integrated functions of PF/Checkbook software
        products include an "electronic checkbook," which automates check writing and check register
        record keeping, household budgeting, personal asset and liability tracking and reporting,
        including features such as loan tracking, stock and bond portfolio tracking, home inventories,
        cash and retirement account tracking and personal financial statements, and "front end" software
        for automated bill-paying in association with a bill-paying service. The term "front end" means
        that only the initiating part of the function resides in home PC software. To complete the
        function, there must also be a communication channel or "switch" (usually a service using the
        telephone network) and a "back end," consisting of software and associated equipment at the
        other end of the line to receive and process each transaction (in this example, the other end of the
        line would be located at a bill-paying service, but for home banking it would be at the bank).
14              . Importantly, the checkbook, automated bill paying, asset tracking and other
        functions in PF/Checkbook software are linked together so that transactions are automatically
        accounted for wherever affected assets appear in the program. That integration allows the
        consumer to track all transactions across account, financial and tax files.
15              . The core functions of PF/Checkbook software have increased in both number and
        quality over the past several years, as Microsoft and Intuit have battled to attract new customers
        through better and more useful products. Competition to improve old functions and to add new
        ones is an important part of the rivalry between Intuit and Microsoft.
16              . There has been substantial innovation in the market for Personal
        Finance/Checkbook software. Within the past year, a potentially important new function, front
        end software for home banking, has been developed and incorporated into some PF/Checkbook
        software products. Microsoft's 1994 release of Microsoft Money (version 3.0) included a home
        banking feature. This year, Intuit plans to add home banking in its 1995 release of Quicken

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        products. As with the functions discussed above, home banking is linked to the rest of the
        program so that home banking transactions are accounted for automatically wherever affected
        assets appear in the program.
17              . PF/Checkbook software is targeted principally for sale to owners of home PCs. It
        is sold through two major distribution channels, the "OEM channel" and the "retail channel."
        The OEM channel consists of personal computer manufacturers who pre-install operating
        systems and applications programs on their personal computers. The retail channel consists both
        of sales through retail stores that sell software products and direct sales to consumers who order
        from a catalog or over telephone lines.
18              . PF/Checkbook software for IBM-compatible personal computers (the
        PF/Checkbook Software Market) is a relevant product market under the Clayton Act.
        PF/Checkbook software offers a group of linked features that make it a superior product for
        personal financial asset tracking and for which there are no close substitutes. Purchasers and
        potential purchasers of IBM-compatible PF/Checkbook software would not turn to any alternate
        product if the price of PF/Checkbook software increased by a small but significant amount.

                            Relevant Geographic Market
19              . The relevant geographic market is the United States. Monetary, language,
        financial industry, and other differences outside the United States prevent PF/Checkbook
        software products suitable for other foreign markets from being reasonable substitutes for a U.S.
                            Competition and Entry
20              . The principal competitors in the PF/Checkbook Software Market are Intuit with
        Quicken and Microsoft with Money. H&R Block Financial's "Managing Your Money" and
        Computer Associates' "Simply Money" also are sold in the market, but have little competitive

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        significance. Managing Your Money was a significant participant several years ago, but its
        importance as a competitive influence has declined. The product recently has been offered for
        sale by H&R Block at least partly as a result of the announcement of the proposed Intuit
        acquisition. Similarly, Computer Associates, a major supplier of mainframe computer software,
        attempted unsuccessfully to enter and establish a meaningful presence in the market by "giving
        away" more than a million free copies of Simply Money for only a shipping and handling charge.
         A low percentage of "free copy" recipients actually use the software and Computer Associates         has little, if any, competitive influence in the market.
21              . The PF/Checkbook Software Market is highly concentrated. Quicken's unit
        market share of 1994 sales was about 69%. Microsoft Money's unit share was about 22%. Unit
        shares for Managing Your Money and Simply Money were less than 5% each. From a 1994
        revenue perspective, Quicken's lead in the market was even more substantial: Quicken, 85%;
        Microsoft Money, 7%; Managing Your Money, 5%; and Simply Money, 2%.
22              . Entry into the PF/Checkbook Software Market is difficult. Between them, Intuit
        and Microsoft control more than 90% of the market, and both are daunting competitors in the
        market. A substantial installed user base with an established, successful product (such as Intuit's
        seven million customer installed base for Quicken) creates a revenue stream of profitable
        upgrade sales to the installed base. The upgrade revenue stream can justify low initial pricing by
        market leaders with a proven product, particularly in the OEM market. Such pricing, and the
        prospect of such pricing, discourages new entry, because a potential competitor with an unproven
        product would know that it would at best be faced with years of losses, with no assurance of ever
        generating enough upgrade revenue to recoup its losses. Writing adequate software "code" even
        to match today's successful products would be no easy task--as witnessed by Microsoft's own
        four-year effort to achieve feature parity with Quicken. Even with the code, entry into the
        PF/Checkbook Software Market would be difficult, expensive and slow. Microsoft's own

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        attempt to enter the market with its Microsoft Money product has been slow and expensive.
        After four years, it still has not achieved a positive return on its investment, but has incurred
        substantial losses.
23              . Most OEMs and retail customers in the PF/Checkbook Software Market will
        purchase only products with an established reputation for reliability, performance and customer
        support. At a minimum, it takes years and a significant investment of resources to build such a
24              . In sum, a new competitor would not be likely to enter successfully the
        PF/Checkbook Software Market within any reasonable time with a product offering the core
        functions necessary to compete effectively. No such entry could be expected, within any
        reasonable time, to deter or counteract a small but significant price increase resulting from the
                            The Proposed Acquisition
25              . Microsoft has agreed to acquire all the stock of Intuit from Intuit's shareholders in
        exchange for 1.336 shares of Microsoft stock for each share of Intuit stock, with a minimum
        price of $1.4 billion. If the transaction closed today, the price would be approximately $2 billion.
        There is no ceiling on the purchase price, which ultimately could be higher.
26              . If the proposed acquisition of Intuit closes, Microsoft has agreed to transfer to
        Novell some of its Microsoft Money business assets--but not enough to allow it to compete
        anywhere near the level provided by Microsoft before the proposed Intuit acquisition. The
        transfer to Novell would include only the Microsoft Money computer code, associated
        intellectual property and documentation, the Microsoft Money customer list and some technical
        assistance from a few members of the Microsoft Money team during a brief transition period.
        The Microsoft Money team itself, including all product managers, developers, programmers and
        sales and marketing personnel, apparently will remain with Microsoft. In contrast, Microsoft has

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        described the Intuit people as the most important resource it will acquire if the transaction closes.
         Novell had no plans to enter the PF/Checkbook Software Market as an owner/developer of such         software before Microsoft offered Microsoft Money to it in connection with this proposed
        transaction. Instead, Novell proposed to become a Quicken customer, intending to resell
        Quicken as part of a package of home computer software products.
27              . Although Microsoft considered the Microsoft Money business to be important
        enough to justify devoting significant resources--many millions of dollars--as a business in its
        own right and as the cornerstone of a significant emerging market, the up-front purchase price to
        be paid by Novell for those Microsoft Money assets that Microsoft has agreed to transfer would
        be zero. Novell would thereafter pay to Microsoft a ten percent royalty on its first year of net
        sales of Money, which would be less than a million dollars even if Novell were as successful as
        Microsoft expected to be in 1995. To induce Novell to enter into the proposed transaction,
        Microsoft has given Novell certain other guarantees that could require Microsoft to pay millions
        of dollars to Novell if it does not succeed with Money.
28              . Before the proposed transaction was announced, part of the vigorous competition
        between Intuit Quicken and Microsoft Money was competition for OEM customers and for PC-
        based home banking strategic allies. Microsoft has an existing business relationship with two
        important OEMs, Packard-Bell and Gateway 2000. Both currently pre-install on their Home PCs
        a "bundle" of Microsoft consumer applications software that includes Microsoft Money. Shortly
        before the acquisition was announced, Microsoft received a signed letter of intent from
        MasterCard, under which Microsoft Money and derivative products of Microsoft Money would
        have been used as part of a "Master Banking" home banking program in a strategic alliance
        between Microsoft and MasterCard. Both relationships were valuable to Microsoft's Money
        business. The Microsoft Money relationships with Packard-Bell, Gateway and MasterCard
        would be of critical importance to Novell's ability to compete with Money. Microsoft did not

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        agree to transfer those relationships to Novell, but agreed instead not to use Quicken to compete
        with Novell in relationships with Packard-Bell, Gateway or MasterCard through March 1996.
                            Harm To Competition
29              . The effect of the proposed acquisition of Intuit by Microsoft may be substantially
        to lessen competition in the PF/Checkbook Software Market.
30              . Actual and potential competition between Microsoft and Intuit, the two strongest
        and most significant competitors in the PF/Checkbook Software Market, will be eliminated.
        Competition from Novell against Quicken will be at best a weak replacement for the lost
        competition from Microsoft. Microsoft, the strongest competitor in the software industry, has the
        resources, ability and resolve to challenge Intuit's leading market position (in both the OEM and
        retail channels), while Novell does not. Absent the acquisition, competition between Quicken
        and Microsoft Money would increase. Microsoft's reason for proposing the acquisition of Intuit
        was its identification of the PF/Checkbook Software Market as strategically important to
        Microsoft as a leading home PC application today, as a front end for home banking tomorrow,
        and as a front end more generally for on-line financial transactions in the more distant future.
31              . But for the proposed acquisition, Microsoft would compete aggressively against
        Intuit for sales in the PF/Checkbook Software Market. In fact, Microsoft advised Intuit that
        Microsoft would substantially increase its competitive efforts against Quicken if Intuit did not
        agree to be acquired. Microsoft's Executive Vice President reported to Microsoft's Chairman:
             I tried to tell him [Intuit's Chairman] what else we could do since we have
             decided this is such an important area and we had not organized or staff[ed]
             adequately. I tried to tell him how much we could do with a $1 billion. I tried to
             be non threatening, but let him know we would do something aggressively.

3              . The proposed transaction would weaken Money greatly, which would further
        enhance the dominance of Quicken in Microsoft's hands. As a senior Microsoft official
        responsible for Microsoft Money wrote in approximately June 1994:

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             If we were to try to buy Intuit and had to sell our offerings in [the core
             PF/Checkbook functions], who would be willing to buy us out and be a serious
. If it was known that we were buying Intuit's offerings in [the core
             PF/Checkbook functions], then I can't imagine anyone would be stupid enough
[sic]--not only would they be way, way far behind competitively[,] I think
             they would imagine that we'd never be allowed to do it.

        (Emphasis supplied).

1              . Potential new competitors, if any, would find it even more daunting to compete
        against Quicken, the number one product in the market, if it were in Microsoft's hands.
        Microsoft would retain many of the advantages that made Microsoft Money a powerful number
        two competitor against Quicken. Instead of using those advantages to compete against Quicken,
        Microsoft would be able to use the combined advantages of both to dominate potential customers
        and strategic partners more thoroughly than Intuit could do with Quicken or Microsoft could do
        with Microsoft Money--especially if the two had to compete with each other.
2              . As spelled out in defendants' documents (quoted in Paragraphs 3 and 4), the
        proposed transaction creates an appreciable risk that future PC-based home banking services will
        have to use a Microsoft Quicken front end at higher prices than would prevail in the absence of
        the acquisition.
3              . Novell would be a substantially weaker competitor with Money against Microsoft
        Quicken than Microsoft has been (and would continue to be) against Intuit Quicken. For
        example, because of the market power that Microsoft will acquire if the acquisition is
        consummated and Novell's lack of comparable advantages, MasterCard, Gateway and Packard-
        Bell, which Microsoft and Novell agreed were crucial to Novell's ability to compete with Money
        in the marketplace, will not commit to arrangements with Money in Novell's hands that are
        comparable to the arrangements they had or proposed to have with Microsoft Money.
4              . Novell lacks important assets, resources and commitment to the product that give
        Microsoft competitive strength with Money and make the PF/Checkbook category strategically

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        important to Microsoft. Novell was not willing to pay any up-front purchase price to obtain
        Money. The category is not as strategically important to Novell as it is to Microsoft. Novell may
        ultimately conclude not to continue funding the extended losses that would be required, with
        little chance of success, to compete vigorously enough to provide price, quality and innovation
        discipline in the PF/Checkbook Software Market comparable to Microsoft's competition in the
        absence of the proposed acquisition.
             39.  Unless restrained, the proposed acquisition will violate Section 7 of the Clayton
                              Requested Relief
             The United States requests (a) adjudication that Microsoft's proposed acquisition of Intuit
        would violate Section 7 of the Clayton Act, (b) preliminary and permanent injunctive relief
        preventing consummation of the proposed acquisition, (c) an award to the United States of the
        costs of this action, and (d) such other relief as is just and proper.

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        Dated: April 27, 1995

        __________________________________  _________________________________
        ANNE K. BINGAMAN               MICHAEL F. BAILEY
        Assistant Attorney General              REID B. HORWITZ
                                      KENNETH W. GAUL
                                      United States Department of Justice
                                      555 4th Street, N.W.
                                      Room 9901
        __________________________________  Washington, D.C. 20001
        STEVEN C. SUNSHINE              (202) 307-6200
        Deputy Assistant Attorney General



                                      MICHAEL J. YAMAGUCHI
        Director of Operations              United States Attorney

                                      By ___________________________

                                      Assistant United States Attorney
        Chief, Computers and Finance Section       Office of the United States Attorney
                                      Northern District of California
                                      450 Golden Gate Avenue
                                      Box 36055
                                      San Francisco, California 94102
        _________________________________  (415) 556-1126
        N. SCOTT SACKS
        Assistant Chief, Computers and Finance Section


1 The United States takes no position in this complaint as to whether all of Microsoft's practices were lawful under the antitrust laws.