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Associate Administrator for Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate
Jaiwon Shin
Dr. Jaiwon Shin Jaiwon Shin, Associate Administrator for the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate. Photo credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls. Dr. Jaiwon Shin is the NASA Associate Administrator for the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate. In this position, he manages the agency's aeronautics research portfolio and guides its strategic direction. This portfolio includes research in the fundamental aeronautics of flight, aviation safety and the nation's airspace system.

Shin co-chairs the National Science & Technology Council's Aeronautics Science & Technology Subcommittee. Comprised of federal departments and agencies that fund aeronautics-related research, the subcommittee wrote the nation's first presidential policy for aeronautics research and development (R&D). The policy was established by Executive Order 13419 in December 2006 and will guide U.S. aeronautics R&D programs through 2020. The subcommittee finished writing the National Aeronautics R&D Plan in December 2007 and is currently writing the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) Infrastructure Plan both of which were called for by the Executive Order.

Between May 2004 and January 2008, Shin served as deputy associate administrator for the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate where he was instrumental in restructuring NASA's aeronautics program to focus on fundamental research and better align with the nation's Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen).

Prior to coming to work at NASA Headquarters, Shin served as chief of the Aeronautics Projects Office at NASA's Glenn Research Center. In this position he had management responsibility for all of the center's aeronautics projects. Prior to this he was Glenn's deputy director of aeronautics, where he provided executive leadership for the planning and implementation of Glenn's aeronautics program, and interfaced with NASA Headquarters, other NASA centers, and external customers to explore and develop technologies in aeropropulsion, aviation safety and security, and airspace systems.

Between 1998 and 2002, Shin served as chief of the Aviation Safety Program Office, as well as the deputy program manager for NASA's Aviation Safety Program and Airspace Systems Program. He assisted both program directors in planning and research management.

Dr. Shin received his doctorate in mechanical engineering from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. His bachelor's degree is from Yonsei University in Korea and his master's degree is in mechanical engineering from the California State University, Long Beach. His honors include NASA’s Outstanding Leadership Medal, NASA's Exceptional Service Medal, a NASA Group Achievement Award, Lewis Superior Accomplishment Award, three Lewis Group Achievement Awards, and an Air Force Team Award. He is a graduate of the Senior Executive Fellowship Program at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He has extensive experience in high speed research and icing, and has authored or co-authored more than 20 technical and journal papers.

February 2008