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go to Pick 5

Step 1: Commit to Action

Do more to protect the environment by choosing at least five actions (below) you'll commit to. Pick 5 also helps you identify more actions you can take in the future. en español: Seleccione 5

Enter your 5-digit ZIP code:

Enter your email address:
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Type the keyword "human" to help stop spam. *required

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After you pledge the 5 you picked...

Step 2: Share What You're Doing

Let others know what you committed to through Pick Five. Show the actions you've taken. Share your:

You can also sign up for email updates from EPA:

Step 3: Get Involved

Girl holding a crayfish. This photo, submitted by S. Gilmore, was a finalist in the 2008 Earth Day Photo Contest.At home and in the garden
At work
At school
While shopping
In your community
On the road