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You are here: Home Albuquerque Progress Report Goal 1 - Human & Family Development 7 - Safe, affordable housing
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7 - Safe, affordable housing

Goal 1 - DCC 7 - Safe, decent and affordable housing is available.

Albuquerque's housing burden is about average among comparable Southwest cities, with 47% of residents paying 30% of more of their household income towards rent. Albuquerque has a low rate of substandard housing compared to others.


Local Trend  LOCAL TREND:

The percent of Albuquerque homeowners and renters who pay 30% or more of their household income for rent or mortgage expenses has risen steadily over the past five years. The current rate of renters who pay more than 30% of their household income for rental housing costs is at the highest level ever. Thirty-five percent of Albuquerque homeowners pay 30% or more for housing costs.


Compared to peer Southwest cities, Albuquerque is about average for the percent of residents who pay 30% or more of their household income for rent or mortgage expenses. Albuquerque is better than most peer cities for overcrowded and substandard housing. Albuquerque is tied for lowest in overcrowding, and is second lowest among peer cities for occupied residences which lack kitchen facilities and third lowest among peer cities for homes lacking complete indoor plumbing facilities.

Citizen Perception  CITIZEN PERCEPTION:

In 2007, Albuquerque citizens rated this Desired Community Condition as being important. The higher the citizens' income the more progress they felt had been achieved. Lower income citizens felt less progress has been made; this was true to a statistically significant degree. Citizens felt that progress was being made, while in fact the local trend is negative with housing burden on the rise for both renters and homeowners.


Opportunity to



  Local Trend  LOCAL TREND IS:  Negative   Negative Local
  National Comparison  ALBUQUERQUE, COMPARED TO OTHERS, IS:  Similar      New Equals Sign
  Citizen Perception  CITIZEN PERCEPTION COMPARED TO DATA:  Differs      Differs Citizen Perception

NOTE: For help in understanding this page, see Creating a Community Report Card.

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